what other gcn games you got on your list?
what other gcn games you got on your list?
Some GCN games I recommend (you may have already played 'em):
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 - Wanted to play but TPB was messing up
Pikmin 1 & 2 - I thought bout playing them
Timesplitters 2 & 3 - Ive heard these games are good
Beyond Good & Evil (if you haven't played this already, wtf is wrong with you?) - Yea, I havent played it, I know this one has a strong fanbase
Tales of Symphonia (i think this one was two discs, not sure if that will be an emulation barrier) - I wanted to play it but Idk how do to games with 2 discs (maybe put a disc on different DVDs so i can actually disc swap but I doubt NeoGamma will do that)
Skies of Arcadia Legends - Same reason as Viewiful Joe
Baten Kaitos - I was looking at this one, is it good?
Playing Okami HD right now and wow is it pretty
Assassin's Creed III
Anus Stretching Festival III: The Gaping Maw of Doom
i will edit later
who the fuck editted my post mother fucker?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?
anyway, they dont have AC3 for gamecube silly.
gamecube games i played that would recommend:
SSB melee
luigi's mansion
eternal darkness
MGS: the twin snakes
i have metroid prime and super mario sunshine but never finished both. i think i might follow up on both of them one of these days.
i absolutely loved super mario strikers charged for wii. that game is fun as shit to play with people
who said it was, i was making the assumption that you were playing AC3