Are you serious? It's the first of the Thief series. If you haven't played any of them I highly recommend it.
Are you serious? It's the first of the Thief series. If you haven't played any of them I highly recommend it.
WOT u aint playin da ACIII
im anal when it comes to playing games im really excited for. i cant just pop it in and start playing. i need to plan a course of action. since i have a kid now its hard playing games for long periods of time. so i had a plan to stay at my parents house on fri night and give me and my wife a "break" from the baby for a night. also my parents have a media room with a huge ass projectors screen which i beat gears3 on in like 12 hours. so i was gonna have my mom watch the baby while i locked myself in the media room until the sun came up. but that plan got shot to shit when some cunt named sandy decided to drop a transformer on my parents street. now they wont have power for a long ass time. so in the meantime im playing another game until my master plan can be executed.
just play the damn game fatboy