What Game Are You Currently Playing?

I hope to play all da GCN classics on my Wii U that I get in exactly two weeks.


Also, I guess tomorrow I start playing Halo 4. BLEGH
what other gcn games you got on your list?

Well the 6 I have downloaded are:
Super Mario Sunshine
Paper Mario: TYD
SSB Melee
Soul Caliber II
Super Mario Strikers (I think the game is fun)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

I want to play the 2 Pokemon GCN games too but couldnt find downloads at the time (PirateBay was messing up at the time)
Some GCN games I recommend (you may have already played 'em):
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2
Pikmin 1 & 2
Timesplitters 2 & 3
Beyond Good & Evil (if you haven't played this already, wtf is wrong with you?)
Tales of Symphonia (i think this one was two discs, not sure if that will be an emulation barrier)
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Baten Kaitos
Some GCN games I recommend (you may have already played 'em):
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 - Wanted to play but TPB was messing up
Pikmin 1 & 2 - I thought bout playing them
Timesplitters 2 & 3 - Ive heard these games are good
Beyond Good & Evil (if you haven't played this already, wtf is wrong with you?) - Yea, I havent played it, I know this one has a strong fanbase
Tales of Symphonia (i think this one was two discs, not sure if that will be an emulation barrier) - I wanted to play it but Idk how do to games with 2 discs (maybe put a disc on different DVDs so i can actually disc swap but I doubt NeoGamma will do that)
Skies of Arcadia Legends - Same reason as Viewiful Joe
Baten Kaitos - I was looking at this one, is it good?

My thoughts
Anus Stretching Festival III: The Gaping Maw of Doom

i will edit later
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Anus Stretching Festival III: The Gaping Maw of Doom

i will edit later

who the fuck editted my post mother fucker?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

anyway, they dont have AC3 for gamecube silly.

gamecube games i played that would recommend:

SSB melee
luigi's mansion
eternal darkness
MGS: the twin snakes

i have metroid prime and super mario sunshine but never finished both. i think i might follow up on both of them one of these days.

i absolutely loved super mario strikers charged for wii. that game is fun as shit to play with people
who the fuck editted my post mother fucker?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

anyway, they dont have AC3 for gamecube silly.

gamecube games i played that would recommend:

SSB melee
luigi's mansion
eternal darkness
MGS: the twin snakes

i have metroid prime and super mario sunshine but never finished both. i think i might follow up on both of them one of these days.

i absolutely loved super mario strikers charged for wii. that game is fun as shit to play with people

who said it was, i was making the assumption that you were playing AC3
Tekken Tag Tournament II
White Knight Chronicles I/II
Metal Gear Solid 4
InFamous II
King of Fighters XIII
Heavenly Sword
and soon Ico/Shadow of the Colossus
All PS3