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  1. Jay

    ITT we diss people's SSFIV Fighting style

    I'm thinking about buying the Arcade Edition DLC. But I'll just get blown up.
  2. Jay

    Duke Nukem Forever: An Average Gamer's Perspective

    HMMMM...Guess he won't be in the *canceled game*
  3. Jay

    Duke Nukem Forever: An Average Gamer's Perspective HOLY SHIT I HAVE TO TRY THAT
  4. Jay

    Games You've Beaten So Far in 2011

    Updated! Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Bayonetta Deus Ex Deus Ex: Invisible War Duke Nukem 3D Duke Nukem Manhattan Project The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Aliens Vs Predator Mortal Kombat Crysis 2 Duke Nukem Forever
  5. Jay

    Duke Nukem Forever: An Average Gamer's Perspective

    Ya boy Randy just tweeted "With sales data, It seems like *customers* love Duke. I guess sometimes we want greasy hamburgers instead of caviar..." DNF is like a greasy, old, moldy hamburger.
  6. Jay

  7. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

  8. Jay

    Duke Nukem Forever: An Average Gamer's Perspective

    A very well written review. I completely agree.
  9. Jay

    Duke Nukem Forever: A die-hard fans review

    Randy Pitchford, the President of Gearbox Software, has said numerous times that he owes his career to Duke Nukem, since Duke Nukem 3D was the first game he worked on as a professional video game developer. In much the same way, I owe my life as a gamer to Duke Nukem, since Duke Nukem 3D was...
  10. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Beat the Battlelord? In Duke 3D he was tough as nails. He's a pushover in this one.
  11. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    What's kind of sad/funny in this game is you can see where the developers spent most of their time. There are fully interactive slot machines, poker machines, basketball shooting games, air-hockey tables, pinball machines, and all sorts of stuff. The shooting is so-so. Some of the weapons...
  12. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    I really didn't like the first few hours of the game that much at all. It picks up a little bit in the level called "The Hive", but it still isn't anything to write home about. But yeah, the Vegas section was pretty shit.
  13. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    lol, 2K's pissed at all the reviews.
  14. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

  15. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Reviews not expected to impact sales
  16. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    The Singleplayer starts off really slow, but it seems to be picking up a bit. I'm at a level called "The Hive" and it's the only level thusfar I've really enjoyed. However, I must say...Really 3DRealms? A rape joke?
  17. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Multiplayer is pretty fun.
  18. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Just beat the Battlelord in Vegas (First major boss), about 3 hours in. Thoughts so far? meh
  19. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever
  20. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Still buying the game...