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  1. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    What bout Doo Doo?
  2. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

  3. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever ****ty or not, people still care about the DUKE
  4. Jay

    Nintendo, YOU DONE GOOFED
  5. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Oh, but of course. I forgot you know everything about everything. Next time I'll smile and nod while you dictate the future of interactive entertainment. :hahaha:
  6. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Clinging for scraps? Just because Duke Nukem Forever hasn't lived up to expectations doesn't mean the franchise is dead. Gearbox spent 20 million dollars on the IP, have already said that there will be more Duke games, and have already registered Duke Nukem website domains. The franchise is fine.
  7. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Think about it. What would have happened if they'd bought the Duke franchise and made a new game from scratch? While the end result would definitely be better, the Duke fans would be pissed that they aren't getting Duke Nukem Forever, the game they've waited for for 15 years. Randy Pitchford...
  8. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Not even close, and you know it! I was super excited. I'm almost 23 and I've wanted to play this game since I was 8. I'm still excited to play it, even if it's now just to say I played it. Duke Nukem Forever should have been an amazing experience. The only saving grace for Duke Nukem is that...
  9. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    Well, it's obviously going to be from a Duke fans perspective. But I won't pull any punches.
  10. Jay

  11. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    After I beat the game and play some multiplayer I'll write the most in depth review I've ever done for the site. And I'll be honest. If it really sucks, I'll tell you it sucks.
  12. Jay

    E3 2011 Discussion

    Now that everything said and done, here's what I liked from the show: -Halo 4 -Elder Scrolls IV: Skyrim -Mass Effect 3 -Deus Ex: Human Revolution -Far Cry 3 -Tomb Raider -The Darkness II -Hitman:Absolution -Prey 2 (Really surprised at how kick *** this looks!) -Street Fighter X Tekken -PS...
  13. Jay


  14. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    I'm glad George Broussard will never again be able to touch a Duke Nukem game. Gearbox,even with all their flaws, is a pretty good dev studio. If this is what 3DR gives us I'm glad they no longer have the IP. Hopefully the next Duke game will be better. I just hope DNF is at least bearable.