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  1. Jay


    Fuck the shoutbox, has anyone seen my iguana?He answers to Stinky.
  2. Jay

    Games You've Beaten So Far, 2012 Edition!

    MGS:PW HD MGS3 HD Dragon Age Origins + all DLC Dragon Age 2 + all DLC Battlefield 3 Alan Wake's American Nightmare Mass Effect 3 Max Payne Max Payne 2
  3. Jay

    DmC I'm pleasantly surprised. Looks very much like a classic DMC game.
  4. Jay

    Resident Evil 6
  5. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

  6. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Well, to be fair I'm not playing for like 2 hour intervals at a time. With the exception of Street Fighter, which I play with Logan, I usually play in 20 or even 10 minute intervals before work or during a study break or something. But I feel ya bro.
  7. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I don't play each and every one of them everyday, but I'll give you an example: Yesterday, I played Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Mass Effect 3, Max Payne 2, and GTA:SA The day before that I played Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Street Fighter X Tekken, Battlefield 3, and Max Payne 2. I play...
  8. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    As soon as I get my graphics card fixed you can add Counter-Strike Source and Team Foretress 2 to the list. I still need to play the Duke Nukem Forever DLC too. (Probably doo doo, but still.)
  9. Jay


    In other BioWare news, at the Dragon Age panel at PAX today, BW hinted that The Warden might not be just an NPC in the world of DA3, but a fully fleshed out party member or integral plot character who's backstory and character interactions depend on your imported save. If your Warden is dead...
  10. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Assassin's Creed Revelations Metal Gear Solid 2 HD Max Payne 2 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Mass Effect 3 Battlefield 3 Street Fighter X Tekken
  11. Jay


    ME3 Extended Cut info from PAX: "When you see the ending of Mass Effect, you now have the information and the context to feel satisfied" "More than just a few cinematic scenes - definitely a considerable amount. So we're happy to be doing it."
  12. Jay


    "No Comment" From BioWare on the Mass Effect 3 Indoctrination Theory HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  13. Jay


    The Free Mass Effect 3 Resurgence Pack Mixes Up Multiplayer Next Week I'm gonna have to start playing MP again.
  14. Jay


    The Extended Mass Effect 3 Ending Will Add Variations, Not Choices
  15. Jay

    Logan vs Jay: Fighting Chronicles
  16. Jay

    Mega Man Legends 3 Cancellation: The Fall of Capcom

    Great action, goofy costumes in this Mega Man X fan film -Destructoid Here's a cheesy fan video for ya.
  17. Jay

    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier X360 Beta coming April 19

    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier beta, Ghost Recon Network announced | Joystiq Anyone with Splinter Cell: Conviction is in the beta. If you don't have Splinter Cell, you'll need to preorder. Sounds fun!
  18. Jay


    Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd Twitter news regarding Extended Cut DLC! From Jessica Merizan, Community manager at BioWare: "Depending on your ending, rebuilding the relays is completely likely." "spoiler alert, no one starves to death :)" "Ending is never perfect but Shep/crew reunited is possible :)"
  19. Jay


    More closure? All I wanted. I see a lot of people asking for NEW endings, and that isn't fair to BioWare. As long as they explain a little more about the catalyst, what happens if Shepard lives, and the whole Normandy situation, I'll be satisfied.