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  1. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Alot of my friends have been telling me to buy Minecraft. I impulse buy'd the Xbox 360 version like an hour ago and HOLY SHIT I can see what the fuss is about. This game is great!
  2. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Max Payne 3 Dead Space 2 Counter-Strike Global Offensive
  3. Jay

    Games You've Beaten So Far, 2012 Edition!

    MGS:PW HD MGS3 HD Dragon Age Origins + all DLC Dragon Age 2 + all DLC Battlefield 3 Alan Wake's American Nightmare Mass Effect 3 Max Payne Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Assassin's Creed Revelations Max Payne 3 Serious Sam 3:BFE
  4. Jay

    Games You've Beaten So Far, 2012 Edition!

    MGS:PW HD MGS3 HD Dragon Age Origins + all DLC Dragon Age 2 + all DLC Battlefield 3 Alan Wake's American Nightmare Mass Effect 3 Max Payne Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Assassin's Creed Revelations Max Payne 3
  5. Jay

    Mega Man Legends 3 Cancellation: The Fall of Capcom Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City for Xbox 360 Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More at Metacritic What kind of incentive does Capcom have to...
  6. Jay


    While my Deus Ex predictions were pretty spot on, I still look upon this thread with great shame.
  7. Jay

    Desktops 2012

    Meh, I could install Windows 7, or even the Windows 8 beta...But I am far, far too lazy to do that.
  8. Jay

    Desktops 2012 Rockin' XP since my Win 7 drive died.
  9. Jay

    Games of 2011 you're looking forward to the most

    I like how somehow Duke Nukem Forever was changed to Rocksmith. It's as if fate is fixing my childhood for me. EDIT: Apparently I commented on this fact half a year ago. :ewps: LET'S SEE HOW I DID
  10. Jay

    Duke Nukem Delayed Forever

    This game ruined 15 years of childhood dreams.
  11. Jay

    Games You've Beaten So Far, 2012 Edition!

    MGS:PW HD MGS3 HD Dragon Age Origins + all DLC Dragon Age 2 + all DLC Battlefield 3 Alan Wake's American Nightmare Mass Effect 3 Max Payne Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Assassin's Creed Revelations
  12. Jay

    Sega Cancels Development on Bayonetta Sequel

    Sega is a fucking joke.
  13. Jay

    Movie: Rambo

  14. Jay

    Movie: Rambo

    Dave disagreed with someone?
  15. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Assassin's Creed Revelations Serious Sam 3: BFE Street Fighter X Tekken Counter-Strike Global Offensive Beta
  16. Jay


    Preview: Our first look at Dishonored -Destructoid Deus Ex-like with multiple approaches and the option to play as a pacifist? INTRIGUING.
  17. Jay

    Best Zelda Soundtracks
  18. Jay


    They had a cover story in Game Informer about this a few months ago. It's being helmed by one of the co-creators of Deus Ex. It looks really neat.
  19. Jay

    Majora's Mask

    you shut your whore mouth, MM was great.