What Game Are You Currently Playing?

Playing Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds and I downloaded Mighty Switch Force HD today!
Yeah, it reminds me a lot of the Scott Pilgrim XBLA/PSN game! But with online co-op. And VERY Japanese.
I'm in (what I assume is) the last temple, that one where you slide the tiles around to rearrange the map layout and gotta get the triforce pieces.
uhhhhhhhhhh that's cool I guess. The title for the forum is what you are CURRENTLY playing, not what ya love.
Aion (PC)
Smite (PC)
Team Fortress 2 (PC)
Skyrim (360)

I need to play more Tekken Tag Tourny 2 and Ni No Kuni
I was going to start playing through Fallout 3 with all the expansions, but now that I've got my new PC I'll probably play something else. Maybe Far Cry 3 or Dishonored.