What Game Are You Currently Playing?


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Assassin's Creed 3. I like some of the gameplay changes they made but holy shit come on somebody do something! I'm 6 hours in and Connor ain't even wearing the damn robes yet. Did I really need to play as baby Connor playing hide and seek? I submit that I did not.

Did think the dude you play in the beginning was kinda neat though. Except when they do the switcheroo and reveal he's a Templar it was like "oh come on, really?"


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Assassin's Creed 3 is pretty good, but yeah it takes a LOOONG time to actually get going.


Mar 9, 2011
I love Connor simply for eye candy purposes.... tehehhee

someone's trying to get that red meat

on a side note i was looking for a smiley to go with the above comment and came across this :roidrage: that's pretty fucked up lol

oh...and i'm playing mark of the ninja in case anybody cares.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Ok so I finished AC3...ending = wat.

Game was ok. Honestly, going back to it after playing TLoU made it seem kinda shit. Meh!


Mar 9, 2011
So TLoU was game of the year, we're in agreement yes?

for how good everyone says it was....i was disappointed with it. very over hyped. great story/writing/direction all that bullshit. but gameplay wise ive had much more fun playing other games.

im playing ac4: freedom cry right now.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Gotta agree. Some of the best graphics, voice acting, writing, etc., that I've ever played, but the gameplay was pretty bland in comparison. Honestly I would probably rate Super Mario 3D World higher, and not because I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but that it was generally more fun to play than TLoU was. Even though TLoU was obviously technically superior in almost every other way.

I'm not sure if I know which game I would pick as GoTY, as 2013 was better than 2012 in terms of releases, but a lot of my most hyped games were pretty lackluster in terms of happiness with them, GTA 5 most notably. Link Between Worlds probably only title this year that was as good as I was hoping, but thats based mostly on how weak the handheld Zeldas usually fare and even still there was quite a bit I wasn't crazy about in it. Mario was better than I expected, but still didn't feel like a true 3D Mario game (ala Super Mario 64, Galaxy).

TLoU probably in my top 5 regardless, but it felt more in line with Heavy Rain and games of that nature.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Come to think of it, though, how many games that came out in 2013 have I actually played? Bioshock Infinite, TLoU...uh...hmm. That's about it. Mostly been playing older games / nothing all year.

So between those 2, TLoU takes it!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Speaking of older games, I also recently picked up Dishonored, Far Cry 3, and Borderlands 2. Currently playing Dishonored. In theory this is exactly the kind of game I like, but I dunno, it's not grabbing me so far. I'll keep going but...eh.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Also, as much as I liked TLoU's ending, I kinda wish they'd gone with this:



Mar 9, 2011
I don't usually play games the same year they come out. I think I played 4 this year. TLoU, AC4, Batman and GoW: Judgment. I thought AC4 was my favorite. Same thing Travis said: TLoU is technically superior, but AC4 took my by surprise with its naval gameplay. And plus, it proved to have one of the better character narratives of the AC series.

I feel like if someone gave me a console and just Dishonored and that was my only game, i would have fun with it. But since I play so many games and I just dont have time to really experiment with it, it never grabbed me. Definitely fun though and worth playing.

And Borderlands 2 is my shit. Borderlands is one of the few games where the season pass is so worth it.


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
It's The Last of
Speaking of older games, I also recently picked up Dishonored, Far Cry 3, and Borderlands 2. Currently playing Dishonored. In theory this is exactly the kind of game I like, but I dunno, it's not grabbing me so far. I'll keep going but...eh.
Borderlands 2 is fun. Far Cry 3 is pretty amazing.

I share your same thoughts about Dishonored. I tried to push through it, but it's just too bland.


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2011
3D world was poopoo. The camera was gay as shit. and the main thing they tried to sell it for was co-op which is near impossible to do CAUSE of the god damn camera!