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Playing Harmoknight and pretty disappointed with it. Fun, but it has the same problem as Rhythm Thief - there are no goals or rewards to work for. There's no leader board to show high scores and there's also no "perfect" ranking, so it's really hard to tell if it was a perfect run or not. Plus, there is like a theme to each World, and it's just lazy remixes of the same theme for each level in each world. I guess I shouldn't complain since it was only 15 bucks, but still.
Playing Harmoknight and pretty disappointed with it. Fun, but it has the same problem as Rhythm Thief - there are no goals or rewards to work for. There's no leader board to show high scores and there's also no "perfect" ranking, so it's really hard to tell if it was a perfect run or not. Plus, there is like a theme to each World, and it's just lazy remixes of the same theme for each level in each world. I guess I shouldn't complain since it was only 15 bucks, but still.

That really makes me sad, I really wanted to get it too

I am playing Mario Kart 7, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Almost done with Tomb Raider (PC) and then will move onto one of the following, but not sure which:
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Far Cry 3
Hitman Absolution
The Witcher
Risen 2
xcom is really fun! and bioshock infinite and so far is the story is GARBAGE -.-; the tears and such are confusing as shit.
Ive been playing 5 games from my childhood that Ive bought on my 3DS

Donkey Kong
Kirby's Block Ball
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

Gameboy Color:
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
Wario Land 2

and on the 30th, Im going to be picking up the LoZ Oracle games cause those were from my childhood too
almost done playing halo 4's campaign and i have no idea what the fuck is going on

im also playing final fantasy dimensions too.
dragon, you can't post that twice and temple-run isn't technically a game, it's an application.