What Game Are You Currently Playing?

Dragon Age Origins + All expansions after main quest is finished. (Already got DAII waiting in the wings)
Metal Gear Solid 3 HD
Metal Gear Solid 2 HD (Snake Tales and VR Missions)
Battlefield 3
replaying Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
playing some Saints Row 3
that's about it!
Dragon Age 2
Battlefield 3

It's also probably worth noting that I got Metroid:Other M for Christmas and have played it exactly twice. Make of that what you will.
Haven't played SHIT, Captain.

I guess I'll beat Snake Eater before ME 3 demo comes out.
I am sad to admit that the one game that has managed to pull me away from Skyrim is... Game Dev Story for iOS.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for GBA
Skies of Arcadia: Legends for Gamecube
BF3 Multiplayer and DA:O

I gonna download the Gotham City Imposters beta tonight.