The Ultimate Videogame.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
77boy84 said:
Did I say that?
If my health recharges after a few seconds there must be something wrong with the difficulty of the game."I'll just hide until mmy health goes up!"
that was done intentionally to put a different style into the game and its one of the big things that make halo what it is. as far as the campaign goes, the shields make it slightly possible to slaughter hundreds of enemies without needing that old school "health pack" every other room. it makes things more beserker like, which in my opinion is a nice change from the hide and go camp military games. it also makes for a longer life span in multi-player game. a longer life span means you don't have to respawn after getting shot once in the head with a gun everyone in the game spawns with. sure halo has its faults (cheating), but thats not a part of the game and isn't something you should degrade it for.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
the difficulty? whens the last time you played through halo 2's campaign on legendary? just because your shields recharge doesn't mean shit. come fucking play me anytime in halo 2 and i'll show you difficulty.


Sep 28, 2005
Republic Commando was, relatively, a joke. Oh, and you had recharging energy shields and even when you died you didn't lose half the time. You were 'incapacitated' and all you needed to do was command a squadmate to revive you. Yet you complain about the Health system in Halo 2. Tsk tsk.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
i'm not saying any game isn't diffucult. every game has its skills to develop. when you try to fucking say that a game that thousands of people are very proficient in is "not difficult", thats when you become the dumbass. i only offered a challenge to prove a point.


Nov 10, 2003
aaron/me could single handedly beat you all like a small dog in halo 2 so stop talking about it.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
since when can't you delete posts..

yeah, i misread that logan, i thought it was a challenge. i don't really do one on one though, even though i still could. i prefer btb, which i know most people shun. its just more fun to me. but thats besides the point.
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Sep 28, 2005
77boy84 said:
You had shields and health.And it's not that easy,if you're facing several different Droid Dispensers and Transhodans like you do a lot in the game you and the rest of your squad will die easily.Try going out of the "easy" mode.
Oh, you kill me. With laughter. The only instances I'll play FPS games on 'easy' is to play through them only using melee attacks. Pistol whipping through perfect dark takes a very, very long time.

aaron/me could single handedly beat you all like a small dog in halo 2 so stop talking about it.
I <3 Comedy. Do you bring it into every forum? I might just have to stay awhile.


I love playing through halo 2 on the harder dificulties but playing through halo 1 with a pistol is just sweet.


Sep 25, 2005
egonboy said:
I love playing through halo 2 on the harder dificulties but playing through halo 1 with a pistol is just sweet.
Yes. Yes it is. Especially pwning people in multiplayer.


Sep 28, 2005
Meh, the Halo pistol was damn near a n00bstick. Fun, but not relying on a lot of skill. I mean, anyone who can use the gamepad can get 4 kills without reloading... assuming they don't use melee or 'nades. ;.; I always just thought AR hosing was more fun, anyway.


Sep 25, 2005
Nothing wrong with n00bsticks. Plus, the AR only works effectively at very close range, thus making it harder to get those little worms that run away. I personally prefer the shotgun and sneaking up on people.


Sep 28, 2005
Actually, I think I can one up that one... as I honestly think the redeemer from UT99 was way more n00bstick-ish than the AWP. Then again, in certain levels you could kill everyone else in one shot without trying... ;.;


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
Kuro said:
Meh, the Halo pistol was damn near a n00bstick. Fun, but not relying on a lot of skill. I mean, anyone who can use the gamepad can get 4 kills without reloading... assuming they don't use melee or 'nades. ;.; I always just thought AR hosing was more fun, anyway.

i've been known to get 6-7 kills without reloading in one sitting. its called the beam rifle on headlong.


Sep 28, 2005
Well, the beam rifle doesn't qualify as a pistol. Let alone a weapon from the first Halo. I mean, hell. I've been known to get triple kill/double kill/running riots with the beam rifle without having to reload it. :\


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Play CS source. You don't have to aim ever, just headshots galore.


Sep 28, 2005
Not aiming sucks. Ironsights are superior. Except when people don't know how they really work. :\