Walp, the money that we were expecting to use for our Christmas presents isn't going to be available until January or February! HOORAY! Now we have to figure out how to get Christmas presents ($400), keep up with bills ($∞), get the car ready for winter and inspected ($100), AND get heating oil ($450).
YAY. I'll prolly ask for an advance on my pay tomorrow.
So my mom agreed to pay for my heating oil with her credit card, I'll pay her back over the next couple weeks. We decided to scrap getting the kinect as the family present, so that's our two biggest expenses taken care of. Prolly just get my daughter a cheap ereader, and some crap toys for my son since he's a baby and doesn't give two shits.
Just gotta get the car ready for winter and inspected, and figure out how to get my wife a present and I'll be set!