So did anyone get a PS4 or XBONE yet


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I got a PS4.

  • I think launch lineup is worse than Wii U. The best game I have for it is NBA 2K14. Killzone looks pretty, but otherwise is a crappy game.
  • The UI is fine, better than PS3 by far. Hardware is bigger than I thought it would be, but way smaller than xbox one, apparently. Mostly quiet, except if you play a game from a disc then it's just as loud as Xbox 360 I think.
  • Battery life on the controller sucks ass. Not sure why it's so much worse than the PS3 controller, but it is. Otherwise, controller is leaps and bounds better than PS3 one. Really enjoy it.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Cool. I was planning on getting a PS4 when it's cheaper and when it has some games. Like MGSV, FF15, and KH3. And when they release a SKU that isn't a dodgy-ass launch version. And when it has more than 500gb of space. So like 2 years from now probably.

Guess I'll be constantly replaying Mass Effect 2 and Skyrim for the next 2 years!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Speaking of new-ish consoles, I saw a 3DS XL in person for the first time the other day. That motherfucker is HUGE! God damn.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I mean I guess it's right there in the name but wow


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
The 3DS XL far superior to the original. The original a hand cramper especially with Mario Kart. The DS Lite is still the king of handhelds though.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Also I dunno if my eyes are broken (very possible since I have shit for vision) but I've never been able to really see the 3D effect. Admittedly I ain't played a huge number of 3DS games but they've all been first party stuff so I assume it just don't work for me. But then that's really not the draw to the system at all so OH WELL.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
3DS is ok for some games like Animal Crossing and even nice in OoT, but otherwise I usually turn it off.


Nov 10, 2003
I never have 3D on lol, gives my ass headache to look at it lol.

Adam Sadler

Deku Sprout
Dec 11, 2013
Hi All, first post.

I have both the PS4 and Xbox One and - out of the two - Xbox takes it for me at the monent.

I'm impressed by both machine's capabilities and pretty much agree with Travis on his points. At the moment there is a serious lack of titles available. I have 1 full retail game on each (Killzone & Forza 5) and just the 1 paid digital game (Crimson Dragon - Xbox One). And I honestly can't tell you when my next next-gen purchase will be.

Hardware wise - both controllers are ace. PS4's initially doesn't feel 'right' but once you adjust, it's the best Dual Shock yet. Xbox One is much more like a slightly-refined 360 pad than any kind of evolution. Excellent triggers for Forza.

Xbox One has it's various OS issues. Nothing that is down to it's Windows 8 roots as you may have heard (I personally love Win 8 - but I'm a c# dev in a Windows codeshop!). The beauty of this is that they'll be easy software updates for MS - nothing drastic. Kinect integration is mildly-annoying, but can easily be switched off. Although MS do require you to plug Kinect in to use the Upload Studio for editing game clips - which is really unnecessary. I personally just leave mine plugged in and switched off.

In closing - all good really! I'd wait until the games are available that REALLY make you want to drop all that cash on a system, then pick the one with the most interesting games for you. All the multi-platform stuff will be effectively the same anyway - despite the COD 1080p/720p fanboy-debate that's been going on.

I hope this helps!


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Welcome, Adam! I'm a big fan of your work. I quote Billy Madison and Waterboy daily!


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
rofl dave, i thought the same thing when i saw his name. also welcome to the forum!

and I'll probably get a Wii U before I get either PS4 or Xbox One


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Just as I never owned a Wii, I feel pretty much 100% confident in saying I'll never own a Wii U


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I know I probably shouldn't say this, because this is a Zelda forum again, and Zelda is kinda all our backgrounds but...

Dude I just don't think I like Zelda games. I grew up with LttP and OoT, and loved them and still do love them, but no other game in the series since then has done it for me. MM, WW, TP, all nope. Had zero desire to play Skyward Sword.

Maybe I'd enjoy Link between Worlds because it's basically just LttP again but I dunno.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I know I probably shouldn't say this, because this is a Zelda forum again, and Zelda is kinda all our backgrounds but...

Dude I just don't think I like Zelda games. I grew up with LttP and OoT, and loved them and still do love them, but no other game in the series since then has done it for me. MM, WW, TP, all nope. Had zero desire to play Skyward Sword.

Maybe I'd enjoy Link between Worlds because it's basically just LttP again but I dunno.



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
How could you not like Twilight Princess?! It was pretty much OoT remake.