Post your 360 games collection


Nov 10, 2003
1.) Halo 3
2.) CoD WAW
3.) Black Ops
4.) MW2
5.) COD 4
6.) Alan Wake
7.) Left 4 Dead
8.) Left 4 Dead 2
9.) Resident Evil 5
10.) Lost Odyssey
11.) Fall Out 3
12.) tomb raider anv.
13.) Fable 2
14.) Smack Down Vs Raw 2011
15.) Dead Rising
16.) Silent Hill: Homecoming
17.) Condemned Criminal Origins
18.) Unreal tournament 3
19.) Dragon Age 2
20.) Kung Fu Panda
21.) Lego Indiana Jones
22.) Crash Bandicot WOC
23.) Saints Row 2
24.) UFC 2009
25.) Virtual Fighter 5
26.) Gears of War 2
27.) too human
28.) Guitar Hero Warriors Of Rock
29.) Madden 7-8-9
30.) Skate 2
31.) Mass Effect



Dec 16, 2010
well here is mine

1) Dragon Age: Origins
2) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
3) Infinite Undiscovery
4) Marvel vs Capcom 3
5) Left 4 Dead 2
6) TES: Oblivion GOTY
7) Lord of the Rings: Conquest
8) Star Ocean: The Last Hope
9) Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
10) Smackdown vs Raw 2011
11) The Orange Box
12) Blur
13) Final Fantasy XIII
14) Just Cause 2
15) Guitar Hero World Tour
16) Guitar Hero 5
17) Rock Band 2
18) Rock Band 3
19) DJ Hero
20) Mass Effect
21) Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition
22) Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
23) Brutal Legend
24) Borderlands
25) Bioshock
26) Bioshock 2
27) Fable III
28) Skate 2
29) Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
30) Soul Calibur IV
31) Batman Arkham Asylum
32) Fallout New Vegas
33) Halo Reach
34) Grand Theft Auto IV
35) GTA: Epsodes From Liberty City
36) NCAA Football 09
37) NCAA Football 10
38) Battlefield Bad Company 2 (w/ Vietnam downloaded)
39) Red Dead Redemption
40) Gears of War 2
41) Mafia II
42) Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
43) Saints Row 2
44) Brink
45) Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
46) LA Noire
47) Portal 2

M1 Punk

Deku Sprout
Jun 3, 2011
1) Battlefield: Bad Company 2
2) Halo: Reach
3) Super Street Fighter 4
4) Mortal Kombat

That's all I need really :/


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Metro 2033 is great if you can overlook the poor / bland combat. The environments and presentation are superb. The ambient sounds in the "towns" really give you the feeling that you're in a crowded place.


Castle Guard
Apr 24, 2011
Metro 2033 is great if you can overlook the poor / bland combat. The environments and presentation are superb. The ambient sounds in the "towns" really give you the feeling that you're in a crowded place.

sounds cool, with the games i actually play i mainly go for story insted of combat, i take it the storys pretty top notch?


Deku Sprout
Jun 3, 2011


1 Grand Theft Auto IV
2 Grand Theft Auto Episodes From Liberty City
3 Red Dead Redemption
4 Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare
5 L.A. Noire
6 FIFA 11
7 NBA 2k11
8 Splinter Cell: Conviction
9 Skate 3
10 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
12 DiRT 2
13 Full House Poker
14 The Maw
15 Vancouver 2010™
16 Street Fighter IV
17 Battlestations Pacific
18 Quantom of Solace
19 Tinker
20 F1 2010™
21 Hexic HD


Castle Guard
Apr 24, 2011
finally my xbox live arcade list:
1: aegis wing
2: after burner climax
3: age of booty
4: altered beast
5: bangai-o hd
6: banjo-kazooie
7: bomberman live
8: bubble bobble neo
9: castle crashers
10: castlevania hd
11: castlevania: sotn
12: centipede and millipede
13: comic jumper
14: contra
15: crystal quest
16: dash of destruction
17: deadliest warrior
18: dead rising 2: case west
19: doritos crash course
20: double dragon
21: dr 2: case zero
22: family game night (connect four)
23: final fight double impact
24: galaga legions
25: greed corp
26: gunstar heroes
27: harms way
28: haunted house
29: hexic hd
30: jetpac refuelled
31: kof skystage
32: marvel vs capcom 2
33: mega man 9
34: mega man 10
35: mr driller online
36: nin2-jump
37: outrun online arcade
38: pac-man ce
39: pac-man ce dx
40: pinball fx 2 (street fighter table)
41: puzzle fighter hd
42: r-type dimensions
43: scott pilgrim
44: sonic & knuckles
45: sonic the hedgehog
46: sonic the hedgehog 2
47: sonic the hedgehog 3
48: splosion man
49: streefighter 2 hf
50: streets of rage 2
51: super contra
52: super streetfighter 2 turbo hd
53: tmnt 1989
54: track and field
55: trials hd
56: triggerheart exelica
57: trouble withces neo
58: turtles in time rs
59: unbound saga
60: worms
61: wotb: commando 3
62: x-men
63: zeit2
64: zombie apocalypse

i also got
uno, boom boom rocket, feeding frenzy, luxor 2, pac man,
ms pacman, galaga, dig dug, xevious, new rally x, bejewled 2,
geometry wars, wik: fable of souls, outpost kaloki x,
texas hold em, hardwood backgammon, sonic adventure
space channel 5 part 2, crazy taxi and sega bass fishing
watchmen parts 1 and 2..
but since they are all disc based i dont feel it appropriate to include them


Deku Scrub
May 18, 2011
Games i've had since i bought my 360?Way too long to type so instead games i currently have:

1.Halo Reach +NobleMap Pack
2.Borderlands + All Dlc
3.RockBand2+ RockBand1+ 400downloaded tracks
4.Left4Dead2+ All Dlc
5.Fallout New Vegas...sadly no dlc :cry:
6.Fable3 (G4WL)---do we count those?You do get chievos in them:confused:
7.Resident Evil5 (G4WL)
8.Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY (G4WL)
9.Tinker (G4WL)
10.Torchlight (XBLA)
11.Geometry Wars (XBLA)
12.Geometry Wars 2 (XBLA)
13.N+ (XBLA)
14.Uno (XBLA)
15.FeedingFrenzy (XBLA)
16.Arkadian Warriors (XBLA)
17.Serious Sam (XBLA)
18.Worms (XBLA)
19. LaraCroft G.O.L (XBLA)
18.Dishwasher Samurai (XBLA)
19.Dishwasher Samurai2 (XBLA)
20.Bionic Comando ReArmed (XBLA)
21.A World For Keflings (XBLA)
22.BoomBoom Rocket (XBLA)
23.Pacman Championship Edition (XBLA)
24.DeadRising2 Case Zero (XBLA)
25.Small Arms (XBLA)
26.Yaris (XBLA)
27.Doritos Dash of Destruction (XBLA)
28.Doritos Crash Course (XBLA)
29.Fable2 Pub Games (XBLA)
30.Luxor (XBLA)
31.Hexic HD (XBLA)
32.TMNT 1987version (XBLA)
33.Aegis Wing (XBLA)
34.BulletStorm (G4WL)
35.Castlevania SOTN (XBLA)
36.Track and Field (XBLA)
37.BomberMan Live (XBLA)
38.Sonic2 (XBLA)
39.Zombie Apocalypse (XBLA)
40.Unbound Saga (XBLA)
41.Castle Crashers (XBLA)
42.Harms Way (XBLA)
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