New Nintendo system in 2012. Reportedly more powerful than 360 and PS3


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Looks cheap. Looks more like a case u put system in than the system itself.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
That is more likely a dev kit unit I would suspect


Nov 10, 2003
I like Nintendo, but I ain't gonna be snake-charmed by them again. They gotta EARN my trust back!

Brad Mosbacher

Deku Scrub
Apr 25, 2011


This is more fake than Pamela Anderson's sagging boobs.


Nov 10, 2003
I hope we can turn down help in the third game. Just tell Jacob, Miranda, Grunt, and all the other lame chars like "nah i'm good with garrus and mor mor"


Sweet Little Lies
Senior Member
Jan 15, 2011
I was thinking the same thing about my phone whenever it had lights on it.


Nov 10, 2003
I was thinking the same thing about my phone whenever it had lights on it.




Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I like Nintendo, but I ain't gonna be snake-charmed by them again. They gotta EARN my trust back!

I'm a Nintendo fanboy, so as long as they keep pumping out the Zeldas and Marios, I'll keep buying* them.


Nov 10, 2003

Of course these are only rumors…..but if only half were true…so awesome.

- Nintendo are planning a full reveal of the console, controller and 1st/2nd party games at E3.

- The console is confirmed to be backwards compatible with all Wii/Gamecube titles, and all your VC games will be transferred over once you link your credit card to the system.

- Many 3rd party developers have development kits who are supposedly hard at work to have something to show (and play) at E3.

- 3rd Parties were involved with the development of the console, with requests for what specifications they’d like to see. As of now (which could change) the system runs of a custom built IBM triple-core CPU and has 2gb RAM. The graphics chip is a custom built Radeon R700 chip.

- There is an internal SSD. Size is unknown at this point.

- It will run natively at 1080p.

- The new controller slightly resembles a Gamecube controller with a large LCD screen in the middle of it. The controller is light for its size and looks like a tablet with Gamecube-like prongs to the side. It has dual analogue sticks, face buttons, d-pad and shoulder buttons. No triggers were on the device.

- The screen on the controller is indeed a 6″ LCD high resolution (reported 640 x 960 pixels) display. However, Nintendo said in order to keep battery life manageable, the controller doesn’t have any hardware to produce graphics itself. The image is simply a video stream directly from the console.

- The controller uses rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Size of the battery is unknown.

- The Wiimote can be used and a new model of Wiimote will be released with the console. This new controller will have overhauled internals allowing for much more precise movement tracking than even the Wiimote Plus had.

- The Project Cafe system development kit is not representative of the final console design. The console is smaller and resembles the Japanese/European SNES models.

- Nintendo have told developers that their online system will be ‘the best online experience’ that’s available on consoles. The whole idea of the machine is to be connected to the internet 24/7. It’s being targeted as an online/social console. Friend codes are gone, but no word on whether the online service will be subscription based.

- The Pokemon RPG is the title Nintendo will be showing off their online experience with.

- As reported by other sources, Nintendo is targeting this console to the hardcore gamers once again.

- Nintendo is planning on some sophisticated inter-game communication between the 3DS and the console. Nintendo didn’t explain what they’re planning on.

To be shown at E3:

- Pikmin 3 (playable, launch title)
- Pokemon RPG (video, launch or near launch title)
- Super Mario Bros title (playable)
- Star Fox (playable)
- Smash Bros 4 (playable)
- Mario Kart (video)
- Zelda (tech demo)
- Metroid (tech demo)
- New IP (video)

Rockstar Games:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (video)
- Grand Theft Auto “New Title” (video)

- Rayman Legends (playable)
- Red Steel 3 (playable)
- New IP (video)

- Final Fantasy XV

- Resident Evil (video)
- Megaman (video)
- Monster Hunter (video)

- NBA ’13 (video)
- NFL ’13 (video)
- NHL ’13 (video)

- Modern Warfare 3 (video)

- Metal Gear title (video)
- Winning Eleven (video)

- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (playable)
- Soul Calibur 5 (video)
- Pacman Rebirth (video)

The game announcements seem total bullshit, but the rest of it will be awesome if true.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
I hope that isn't true. If it is, my heart will explode at E3. That's just too much awesome.