New Gears of War game!?!??!

Check out the chicks face when the dude says "cowardice".

That trailer was more interesting than Gears of War 1-3 in their entirety.

Note: That means it was only interesting enough to make me watch it once and consider looking for it when it's $30.
A lot of the reviews are giving it high scores but I was so disappointed with Gears 3 that I just dont care anymore
It's time to resurrect da

i wasnt gonna pre-oder it but did last week anyway. im not as pysched as i was for gears 3 (which i loved and put A LOT of hours into) but still looking forward to it. but i learned last week that the second part of the AC3 dlc comes out tomorrow ill probably play that first then gears
I was not impressed with the AC3 DLC; it was pretty dumb.

ya had to really like not just AC overall...but AC3 and connor specifically to like the dlc. which is kind of hard seeing as how a lot of people view connor as an asshole.

This game feels like it should've been an arcade game. Like just multiplayer. It's very different from other gears, but it's pretty fuckin fun if you ask me.
I enjoyed it! It lets you have team work be more involved with what you do and such! c: