Wooo hooo. I got a gold iphone 5s, nintendo 3ds xl accessory pack, moomixer cup from the wife.
Parents got me a "GAEMS Vanguard Personal Gaming Environment" but Microsoft is apparently messing that order up so it's not here even though Mom ordered it over a month ago. Also got me a ceramic Christmas tree and a Zelda calendar.
the shirt is from mel's parents, and mel made the awesome brba poster for me. i'll put up a higher quality pic of it later. can't wait to get a frame for that baby
Ok so I'm like 85% through TLoU (based on the game's counter anyway), just in the snowy part tying to rescue Ellie.
Imma probably just make another thread about this but holy shit, this game, dude. Wow. That part after the hydro dam where you're riding on horseback going after her. That part where the black kid gets infected. That part where...no just the whole thing. If the ending lives up to the hype I've heard about it, not only will this be game of the year, it will be probably game of...well, a long time.