
Nov 10, 2003
Mass Effect 3 -- Somewhere off the show floor (we mean wayyyyyy off -- the Four Seasons Hotel), Electronic Arts held private showings for Mass Effect 3, to showcase the game's upcoming Kinect features and reveal a demo date. While we can't tell you anything until tomorrow, we can say that fans are definitely in for a treat.

Demo announcement tomorrows. So demo between Jan 18th and Feb 7th.


Nov 10, 2003

BioWare announces details of upcoming Mass Effect 3 demo | Joystiq

"The demo will launch in January, though the actual date is yet to be determined."





We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006

So, will they give us a date, or am I going to get online one day and see EVERYONE playing it?


Nov 10, 2003
February 14th for single player. 17th is when the mulitplayer unlocks if you don't have battlefield 3 I think.

I'll keep ya posted.


Nov 10, 2003
1 am tonight on Spike (I think) GTTV is a ME3 episode.


Nov 10, 2003
As for Mass Effect 3, I have faith in it. The gameplay is gonna probably remained unchanged, save for a few tweaks and probably a fusion of Mass Effect 1 elements, which is great in my opinion. However, they can royally fuck it up in 4 different aspects. I'll go in order of severity, from least problematic to most.

1) The music: 1 and 2 had great music and this new composer doesn't seem like the right fit. I'd like to see a blend of some of the techy tracks of one and the sweeping orchestral tracks for 2. Long story short, make it loud and triumphant when needed, and quiet and mysterious when needed.

2) A bad ending: They've already said that ME3 is gonna end different ways depending on what you did over the three games. That makes perfect sense and I welcome any of that. However, there better be a good ending attainable. Maybe not good in a sunshine and rainbows way, but in a meaningful way. Also, no unneeded drama please.

3) A total FUCKUP of the canon: BioWare wrote themselves into a corner, that's for sure. You're going to face insurmountable odds in this game, so I fully expect some sort of deus ex machina ending. That's fine as long as they draw from some of the hints they've placed into the lore of the universe (The Leviathan of Dis, Klendagon Rift, the planet of Klencory, seriously look those up!) However, if they just make something stupid up, it'll cheapen the game beyond measure and ruin any semblance of story they've crafted over the past 4-5 years. Also, the Reapers CAN'T just attack Earth. If they're supposed to be proficient at galaxy-wide genocide, they're not gonna all hang out on Earth while you come and kill them.

4) NEW CHARACTERS: If there are more than 2 extra squad members in ME3, it will be INSTAFAIL. There are a total of 16 members to pick from over the two games, not to mention a METRIC FUCKTON of familiar NPCs that could fill the role (Feron, Aria, Captain Anderson, etc.) Regadless of the possibilities of Mass Effect 1 and 2, ME3's cast should be comprised of familiar faces PERIOD. Hell, the second game spent very little time dealing with the overarching storyline and ONLY focused on the characters. 12 characters was too many also, 6-8 is the magic number.

If BioWare staves all of these problems off, prepare to enter the Bone Zone.

I posted this earlier. LET'S SEE HOW THIS IS SHAPING UP!

1. Music sounds fucking incredible. It's a lot of returning composers.

2. Ending I've read is weird. Sounds like a great end sequence though.

3. They've made up something from what I can piece together. Gonna be kind of weak, but they'll at least try to explain it.

4. 2 new characters out of the 7. Vega and the other squaddie. The rest are from previous games.


Nov 10, 2003
Dunno if any of you tubbos saw this whole rundown

Today we are very pleased to announce the release date for the upcoming Mass Effect 3 Single Player and Multiplayer demo. Please check out the FAQ below for details on when it will be available and information you need to know.

When is the demo for Mass Effect 3 being released?

The demo for Mass Effect 3 will be released on February 14, 2012. Timing may vary by platform and geographic region.

What platforms will the demo be on?

The demo will be on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC platforms.

What are the system requirements for the PC version of the demo?

Minimum Spec:

OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7

*Supported chipsets: NVIDIA 7900 or better; ATI X1800 or better. Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 9300, 8500, 8400, and 8300 are below minimum system requirements, as are AMD/ATI Radeon HD3200, HD3300, and HD4350. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.

CPU - 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

RAM - 1GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

Disc Drive - 1x speed

Hard Drive - 2.5 GB of free space

Video - 256 MB* (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support)

Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

DirectX - DirectX 9.0c August 2009 (included)

Recommended Spec:

OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7

CPU - 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

RAM - 2GB for XP / 4GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

Disc Drive - 1x speed

Hard Drive - 2.5 GB of free space

Video - AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB or greater, NVidia GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB or greater

Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

What content will be included in the Mass Effect 3 demo?

There are two sections in the Mass Effect 3 demo, both included as part of a single download: The single player section includes 2 areas: the opening level featuring the Reaper attack on Earth, and a level further into the game where Shepard travels to an alien home world to seek their assistance in the war effort. This will be approximately 1 to 2 hours of content.The co-op multiplayer section includes 2 maps: Slum and Noveria. This section will be open to players who have qualified for the early multiplayer access as of Feb 14, and will then open up to all players on Feb 17.

How do I qualify to play the co-op multiplayer section before Feb 17?

The early access program for the demo’s multiplayer section begins on Feb 14, 2012To gain access to multiplayer in the demo any time between Feb 14 and when it opens up for everyone on Feb 17, a player must have met one of the following criteria:
Own Battlefield 3 and have activated BF3’s Online Pass. Logging into the demo using the EA Origin Account linked to that Online Pass will automatically unlock the multiplayer section of the demo. Note that you do not have to enter a code anywhere – if you have activated your BF3 online pass, the multiplayer section of the demo will be unlocked for you when the demo goes live.Participate in an early access program that will be announced on Feb 7, 2012 – watch this site for more details.

Is there a way to verify I am qualified for the early access to co-op multiplayer?

Starting Feb 7, 2012 there will be a form on Mass Effect which can be used to verify if your EA Origin Account has been assigned early access privileges.

Can Mass Effect 3 co-op multiplayer be played split-screen?

No – the co-op multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 is online only.

What languages will the demo be in?

• In-Game Voice Languages: US-English

• In-Game Text Languages: US, FR, IT, DE, ES, RU, PL

Can I import saves from Mass Effect 2? Does the demo create a save game for the full version of Mass Effect 3?

The demo does not support save importing and does not create a save game for the full version of Mass Effect 3.

What character class can I play in the demo? Can I customize my character?

All six classes from the full game are included: Soldier, Vanguard, Sentinel, Engineer, Infiltrator and Adept.Players will be able to create a male or female Shepard, customize their appearance, and level up their character’s abilities and powers.

Will the demo feature the ability to set player initial player experience options by selecting “Action, “Role-Playing”, or “Story” settings?


Is Origin required to play the PC version of the demo?

Yes. You will need to download and install the Origin Client (Link) and have a valid Origin account.

Will playing the Mass Effect 3 demo spoil the main game story for me?

The single player section of the Mass Effect 3 demo is taken from the main game and therefore by definition could be
considered to contain spoilers. The multiplayer section of the demo does not contain spoilers.

How long will the demo be available?

The multiplayer section of the demo will be deactivated March 5, 2012 The single player demo will continue to be
available past game launch (for a number of months – exact date for the demo to be taken offline is TBD).

Does the demo support Kinect on Xbox 360? In what languages?

Yes, the Xbox 360 demo of Mass Effect 3 does support Kinect functionality. The demo will have the same Kinect voice command language support as the full game: English (American, Australian and British dialects), French,
German and Italian.

Edit: More questions and answers added below

Will there be any in game items given for playing the Mass Effect 3 demo?

We will have more details on this on February 7th.

How much storage space will the demo take up on my console (Xbox 360 and PS3)?

The demo will take up under 2GB of space on consoles.

Can you play Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer with bots?

No. Multiplayer is played online with other Mass Effect 3 players.

Will any data from Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer carry over into the real game? Like the Galactic Readiness level or similar?

No, no data from the Multiplay or Sinle Player demo carries into the real game.

Can I choose squadmates in the Single Player or Multiplayer demo?

In the Single Player demo you are on 2 preset missions, so you do not select your party members (this will be more clear when you play the demo). In Multiplayer, you do not play with party NPCs, you play with other real players.

Can you play as different races in the Multiplayer demo? Which ones?

Yes, there are different races that you can play as in the multiplayer demo. We will be revealing more on these races soon.

Can you play the Multiplayer demo solo?

You can try, but it will be difficult as Multiplayer is designed for more than one person to play.

If you have further questions, please ask them below and get ready to play the demo of Mass Effect 3!


Nov 10, 2003

I've read all the books and comics, so I'll give everyone the gist of them so they don't have to force themselves to read all of it.


Mass Effect Revelation : Pre ME1, explains the origins of Sovereign. Captain Anderson is one of the best characters in the series, Saren is an a-hole.

Mass Effect Ascension : Post ME1, Pre ME2. Introduces Gillian Grayson and places Kahlee Sanders at Grissom Academy, a place mentioned in other books and in ME3. Introduces Cerberus and explains why the Quarians hate them.

Mass Effect Retribuiton : Post ME2, Pre ME3. TIM is a bad mamma jamma using all sorts of Reaper technology. Introduces the crazy Cerberus operative Kai Leng, who is also integral to ME3. Captain Anderson cuts all ties with the Council and will not be the Councillor in ME3, regardless of your choice in ME1. Udina took his spot.

Mass Effect Deception : Post ME2, Pre ME3. Comes out 1/31/12


Mass Effect Redemption :
Post ME1, technically takes place during ME2. Liara get's Shepard's body back from the Collectors so Cerberus can rebuild him/her. Liara's friend Feron kidnapped, Liara hates the Shadow Broker.

Mass Effect Evolution : Pre ME1. Explains origins of The Illusive Man. Nothing really huge happens other than he was exposed to a Reaper Artifact, hence his husk eyes. Lost woman he loved due to Saren and the Turians, uneasiness about aliens and the Reapers key in creation of Cerberus.

Mass Effect Invasion : Post ME2, Pre ME3. Focuses on Aria and Omega. Cerberus is still messing with Reaper technology and clearly fucked up. In the end, they force Aria out of Omega and essentially control all passage in and out of the Omega 4 Relay.

Mass Effect Inquisition : Post ME2. Captain Bailey (CSec officer from 2) investiages the head of CSec Executor Pallin. Ends up killing Pallin, but questioning why. Udina ordered the investigation and is clearly acting suspicious. In the end, Bailey is promoted.

Mass Effect Conviction : Post ME2: Arrival. Introduces James Vega, establishes his relationship with Commander Shepard.