Just got a PSN account!

oh i plan on playing god of war 3, heavy rain and metal gear solid 4.

already beat mgs4 on my friends ps3 but i want to do it on my own. also probably get little big planet just to check it out.

also getting some of the original final fantasy games from the store

i also didnt have a bluray player so thats just a bonus

are the uncharted games worth playing? if i play any i would start at 1 and work my way up...i cant play a sequel without playing the ones before it

logan accept my friend request!
I'll accept it next time i turn it on looool.

Uncharted 1 is good, a bit wonky but good.
Uncharted 2 is the best by far.
Uncharted 3 is like Uncharted 2.5 in the sense that its the exact same story but slightly worse gameplay.
I'll accept it next time i turn it on looool.

Uncharted 1 is good, a bit wonky but good.
Uncharted 2 is the best by far.
Uncharted 3 is like Uncharted 2.5 in the sense that its the exact same story but slightly worse gameplay.

a real man would turn it on just to accept friend requests. i guess you're not a real man:mad:

i guess ill play 1 and 2 when i get around to it...after playing the other bazillion games on my list
I'm SirentheValkyrie, but I'm never on and I have the oldest version of the PS3 that doesn't have wireless and I still haven't run ethernet cable from my back bedroom to my living room.

So you can add me, but I have no clue when I'll get around to accepting it. PS3 doesn't have any exclusives that I want to play except for Heavy Rain and I raped that game already.
ok...added logan and casey. expect to have their pending request on there for....oh well...eternity. but thats the hope one clings onto when you have no friends. :o

WAAAAAAAAAAAIT A SECOND HERE! I just realized this was posted in MY forum. WTF ARE YOU THINKIN' KID? You could have at least thrown something bacon related in here.

I'll let it go this time, but if it happens again...
WAAAAAAAAAAAIT A SECOND HERE! I just realized this was posted in MY forum. WTF ARE YOU THINKIN' KID? You could have at least thrown something bacon related in here.

I'll let it go this time, but if it happens again...

i thought "vertical bacon sandwich" was just code for "threads that nobody gives a damn about" my bad lol