1. A Link to the Past
2. The Wind Waker
3. Ocarina of Time
4. Link's Awakening
5. The Minish Cap
6. Oracle of Seasons / Ages
7. Majora's Mask
8. Adventure of Link
9. Twilight Princess
10. Zelda I
11. Phantom Hourglass
12. Spirit Tracks
Sorry, but it is indeed in order of preference. The music is really what pushes Wind Waker so close to the top. Celtic music makes my happy in the brain.
Now I havent played every Zelda game
but here are some of my faves
1. A Link to the Past and Majora's Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Link's Awakening
4. The Minish Cap
5. Twilight Princess
6. Oracle of Seasons / Ages
7. Adventure of Link
8. Zelda I
I like every zelda game. Orcarina of Time being one of the best games of all time. Majora's Mask is great too, but because of the time thing it might just be one of the most frustrating games ever made.