E3 2011 Discussion


Gamerhandles.com's 2011 E3-Stravaganza!


Hey guys, so E3 2011 is about a month away and it's gonna be pretty neat. I want to write some stuff for Travis as we inch up to June 6th so I was wondering what you guys are excited about being there.

Any surprises you think might happen? What do you expect? What are your hopes?​
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More Skyrim info
New Fallout (maybe)
New Assassin's Creed (since a new one was slightly leaked yesterday)
More info on the new Nintendo console
Upgrades to the dashboard
New Halo thats more single player based
New Kirby game
Metal Gear Solid Rising
a new Dark Cloud game (that will make me buy a PS3)
Looking Forward to:
Project Cafe, Obviously
New release date for DNF
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Rumored Halo Remake
Mass Effect 3

Outside of Project Cafe, I really don't see any other "Megaton" news coming this E3. Neither of the other companies have really been building anything up. Sony will be pushing the NGP and Microsoft will be pushing Kinect.
Sony has got a lot of face to save.

Nintendo has the ball in their court.

Microsoft needs to make some big announcement to build some hype for them since they've been playing it "safe" like Nintendo was doing previously.
I'm looking foward to Zelda and Skyrim. I'm also excited about the Gears of War 3 epic edition. I heard there gonna announce it at E3 or around the time.
Oh yeeah, I forgot about that Kirby game. But will it be for the Wii or for this new thing?!

Hopefully some more details on when 3DS games will be released, namely Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, etc.
i'm considering taking june 7/8/9 off work so I can sit at home in my boxers at watch this

That is truly McWinning!! (pls don't make me repost that photo again)

As for me, I am looking forward to some more skyrim info and I'm curious about the new Nintendo hardware. They seem to be stepping up to the big boys this time around....

Then there's my wishful thinking that I might here a SOMETHING about an Alan Wake sequel.
Welp, turns out I already have the 9th off, as well as the 4th and 5th. So I requested the 6th, 7th, and 8th off. This will give me six days off in a row! STAYCATION BABY!
>Project Cafe
> New 3DS games
> Skyward Sword
> Skyrim
> ME 3
My boss said that I've been taking too many days off so I can't get 7th, 8th, or 9th off. Hope on of my days off falls on at least one of those days.
:sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: :sadfrog: