They're going to create an alliance with this new group. Bigger pay, no competition in a huge market, and Walt gets to keep doing what he's best at. Everyone wins.
I think that's his surface plan. But we all know he's nucking futs. He's got an angle beneath it. He's filled to the brim with assaults to his ego juxtaposed with confidence that reaches pimp level swagger - and just enough smarts to squeak by without getting all dead.
Speaking of Child Slayer Magee, some magazine interviewed him and, even though he didn't spoil anything, he apparently has some "huge, dark secret" that will come into play down the road.
Wonder if it'll be before or after Walt goes ape shit and decides to kill everyone.
Walt is going to need Todd's uncle's connections to off some of those nine guys. I'd imagine they'll only have to use Todd's connection to kill one or two of them to get the point across. Either way, we are guaranteed to be left hanging in a major way next week.