So uh...The Game is called Serious Sam 3:BFE (Bum Fuck, Egypt). It is a prequel to the First Encounter and takes place in near future Egypt. It will be released for PC and "Consoles" this summer. No word yet if it's a full retail game or a digital distribution title.
Also, "Bum Fuck, Egypt" is defined as "in the middle of metaphorical nowhere -- an extremely isolated, inaccessible and inconvenient location."
Mutators: infinite ammo, railguns only, heavy weapons, knuckle sandwich(fists only) and default shotguns.
Plant trip mines on players
If shrunk during a match, you can still fire your weapons at normal sized player but you only have a 10th of power!
Capture the babe: ctf style gameplay....babe will "freak out" sometimes when carrying her.....hit a button to give her a reassuring "slap".
"Duke Burger" "magnificant map"....miniatured players running around in normal sized environment...fallen pots and pans, Duke standees and Duke action figures
..some ammo and weapons are placed inside microwaves and garbage
disposals. Other players can turn these on to kill you if you go
in them.
"Morning Wood" Old west locale. crumbling buildings and planks connecting buildings...
Bonus objectives: goals like "Super Ninja" (kill a player while using holoduke) and "OMG" (Suicide via pipebomb)....these reward you with extra XP
Editors were able to play 3 hours of the game. Came away very impressed with both SP and MP. DNF "feels like a welcome burst of nostalgia-an old school shooter that's pure
popcorn entertainment."
God, I've been waiting 14 fucking years to play a game like this again. Hopefully this and Bulletstorm will help bring on a resurgence of classic styled shooters like SFIV did with 2D fighting.
While I do love Battlefield, all the military shooters are sapping the creativity out of an excellent genre. We need more Doom and Duke and Unreal and shit, less COD, MOH, etc.
For their UE3 Demo Epic used Gears of War assets to showcase the engine features even though they hadn't "announced" Gears yet. So It's also a pretty safe bet that this is the first look at a new Epic IP.