Assassin Creed 3


Mar 9, 2011
the reason i love AC the way its told is because it makes you a part of a war that has spanned all of history even up to today. having the story take place in the present allows you to look back at the history and know it all has been leading up to this. and not just the setting of the game. all the relics, data fragments, codex entries. everything combined creates a history that gives meaning to the main timeline of the present day. i feel if they eliminated that the game wouldnt be as meaningful to me


Mar 9, 2011
happy 4th of july



Internet Rage Machine
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2007
I hope to god AC3 doesn't do the conspiracy theory crap like in 2,2 and a half, 2 and a third, 2 and three fourths, ect. Not being Italian i didn't take it personal, but the idea that some frenchy euro game company would make the idea that George Washington had some super god bible weapon and Ben Franklin solved puzzles in France left by a secret organization of assassins that were able to keep operating for hundreds of years, kinda chaps my ass. They way overdid the conspiracy theory to a laughable point. The pope was some secret Templar and a golden ball, which somehow survived for who knows how long without anyone using it ever for anything. I have a very bad feeling that Ubisoft is going to love the idea of shitting on American history with some crazy conspiracy back story.


Mar 9, 2011
I hope to god AC3 doesn't do the conspiracy theory crap like in 2,2 and a half, 2 and a third, 2 and three fourths, ect. Not being Italian i didn't take it personal, but the idea that some frenchy euro game company would make the idea that George Washington had some super god bible weapon and Ben Franklin solved puzzles in France left by a secret organization of assassins that were able to keep operating for hundreds of years, kinda chaps my ass. They way overdid the conspiracy theory to a laughable point. The pope was some secret Templar and a golden ball, which somehow survived for who knows how long without anyone using it ever for anything. I have a very bad feeling that Ubisoft is going to love the idea of shitting on American history with some crazy conspiracy back story.



Internet Rage Machine
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2007
Terrible movie. Ubisoft better learn from that.


Mar 9, 2011
im more excited for this game than i've been for any game in a long time. i dont know if its because i love AC so much or we're getting a new setting or the fact that its during the american revolution. i live in the nyc area which is rich in revolutionary war history and during the fall which always makes me think of that time. so im super pumped. think i might be only one here who is....but i cant wait.


Mar 9, 2011
absolutely incredible game. ending was terribly executed though. still have yet to play multiplayer though so i'm sure i'll like it even more after that


Mar 9, 2011
i dont care what you say about the AC series. if this trailer doesnt pump you up then you're not an american



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I prefer this trailer:

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Didn't enjoy any of the other AC games, but played through AC3 on Wii U and loved it. So much fun killing a bunch of people at once.


Mar 9, 2011
I have close to 30 hours in the game and I haven't even started multiplayer yet