Assassin Creed 3


Mar 9, 2011
you dont have any argument. you just keep saying "its recycled" but offer no points as to why or how its being recycled lol

the argument is pretty much this:

you're comparing AC fanboys to COD fanboys...then i differentiate it by saying COD fanboys love multiplayer while AC fanboys play single player....then you posted a picture of mexicans firing rockets. you can say AC multiplayer is recycled all you want. its not the main draw for me. if you have an argument for why the single player is recycled either thru gameplay or story i would love to hear it. but then dont be shocked if i respond with a video of a woman shooting spaghettios out of her vagina


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Okay. I'll play along.

The story line in the Crusades period is good. It's actually interesting. But what fails is the connection to how it connects to the modern day with this Animus shit. It's not interesting at all. If you enjoy it, good for you. But the entire storyline is one massive shitjob. If they wanted to make AC just about the Crusades, that'd be cool. But it's not. Original, sure. But that doesn't equal interesting. Sorry. You can enjoy it all you want, but it's still a garbage plot. But don't bother arguing your point because we'd just be arguing over opinions. At the end of AC 3, I fully expect the entire universe to just blow up and for it all to be over. Might as well. And the end of all the redundant shit you do, you're just craving something new to happen. Hey, I killed a guy! He's telling me his life story before he dies. Nothing he says matters! Hey, they changed the voiceover! How original and creative!

What is AC's big promise? You're some top-shelf assassin who "carefully" orchestrates his every move, and then at the end you jump down and stab someone before running away from hundreds of guards while cool music plays. Woo! And if I hide for 30 seconds they'll forget it all happened! Wait, what?! I get to do that TWENTY more times?! The same shit OVER and OVER. Same cities, same lame missions, assassins, investigations, etc. The same forced, anticlimatic fumbling at the end. It's like the design team only had a few original ideas between all of them. Nothing new hardly even happens in ANY of the games. Ubisoft spent an incredible amount of time crafting a breath-taking world, I agree. But, hey, guess what. They barely created a video game. Everything just feels paper-thin when you actually play. You jump, you run, you stab, you fight, etc. Same shit, different city (or same city for that matter). It's just a wannabe Prince of Persia. The game's jumping, hanging, etc. is cool, but a five-year-old could do them. Prince of Persia offered challenges to where you had to coordinate every little thing you do. So, I don't know why Ubisoft bothered mentioning that was the direction they were going, because they failed. The jumping is how you actually move in the game. But the only thing it's good for is a few challenges, and once you actually get to where you're going, it's just another boring shitfest. Well, the guards see me in this cesspool of a city. Time to jump around! If the design team had some balls, they would have put Metal Gear Solid and Prince of Persia concepts together, like they said they would from the beginning. They didn't. Yawn. Folks, we have confirmed reports of 500 guards coming our way! SLAM THAT X BUTTON. BANG BANG BANG BANG. Uh-oh. The gaming is coming to an end. Well, time for some more inane sequences and enemies! Our very own Andrew knows all about this method. We'll call it: Ninja Turtles: World Blow Up On Your Ass. And as far as citing other games as examples, don't bother. Using ME as an example to debunk what I previously said is laughable.

Listen, it's obvious you're a fan of the franchise, and good for you. I hope you and AC live happily ever after. You've made your points, and now I've made mine. You've seen why I call it recycled, redundant shit. But, hey, there are a lot worse games out there. AC does a lot of things right, and, for the most part, the game sells pretty damn well. The Crusades is pretty awesome, and the whole "IT'S A DEEP, DARK SECRET!" thing was pretty cool. Who doesn't want to pull off some awesome, well-planned assassinations. Unfortunately, that's not what you get. In the whole, it's a mediocre series with a W-T-F plot with beautiful graphics and music. You'd think Ubisoft would pick up on a few of the points I made, but whatever. I figure after AC 3 they'll be done (or will they?). I hope you continue to enjoy your series, but I'm going back to trolling with everyone else.

Oh, and I expect that video of a woman shooting spaghetti out of her vagina. We keep our promises around here.


Mar 9, 2011
Well you're "recycled material" theory on the gameplay is valid. It is recycled in that you run, climb, jump stab and run away. But that's what the game is. Just like Halo is run, shoot, throw grenade, let shields recharge, drive vehicle and repeat for 10 levels. Just like Gears is shoot, cover, get down, pick me up, and shoot some more. Just like Arkham City/Asylum is fight groups of bad guys, follow a trail in detective mode then fight more bad guys. Just like Zelda is do some tasks, enter dungeon, beat boss then go thru the next 8 temples. Its what games are. They recycle what the gameplay is because its what the gameplay is. Its the character motivations behind these actions that make you continue to play. I care for Ezios mission. I enjoy knowing who he is killing and why as much as who he is not killing. His reasoning and philosophy. Understanding what makes him the Mentor of the Assassins is what keeps me playing.

But besides that I find that they craft the missions/levels to make the basic game controls interesting. Some notable examples are the boat level where you have to trail them through the underground river, the one where you chase the guy on the horse, or the timed levels where you have to climb around places quickly in order to get 100% synchronization. The first AC was HUGELY criticized for making players do the same thing over and over again. None of the Ezio games have been.

And as for other gameplay, there are plenty of other features that dice up the gameplay. All of the Da Vinci war machine machines. Bombs in revelations. The Den Assaults. The Brotherhood assignments. There is plenty of other stuff to do besides just the basic simple missions in the games.

As for story, there is plenty of connection between modern day and the period settings. If you really want answers you have to look into the expanded content unlocked thru the multiplayer. But in the game itself there is plenty. AC is a beautiful example of historical fiction in gaming that you rarely see with such accuracy. Everything from the Borgia's to the Knights Templar has been researched and orchestrated to try and make sense. When I first unlocked the video in AC2 with adam and eve my mind was blown. Its a highly original and controversial storyline as a whole while still making Altairs, Desmonds and Ezios on personal journeys compelling. It all really ties together in one big story with unbelievable themes of freedom vs control. Its deep stuff that can be analyzed on multiple levels.

There are also some tie-ins that add more to the connection between past and present. The comic book with the early 1900s russia as well as project legacy with WWI.

And if you're just going to pull the whole "its an opinion so theres no point debating it" then thats basically saying "i really cant articulate my feelings so lets not do this." Everything is an opinion yet people still debate. Its how you become better at defending your opinion.

Oh and here:

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Nov 10, 2003
Here, have a picture of Walt throwing a pizza on his roof:



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Let's just say all new games suck compared to their older brethren.

Since every game is shoot shoot shoot now, why don't I have an over-the-top giblet-exploding shooter where the story don't even matter like in Turok 1/2?!?!



We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Oh, SHIT. I forgot about Walt throwing the pizza on the roof.

I remember it sits there for like three episodes and it was bothering me.

But then he ended up shooting like five guys and I forgot all about it.

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We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Well you're "recycled material" theory on the gameplay is valid. It is recycled in that you run, climb, jump stab and run away. But that's what the game is. Just like Halo is run, shoot, throw grenade, let shields recharge, drive vehicle and repeat for 10 levels. Just like Gears is shoot, cover, get down, pick me up, and shoot some more. Just like Arkham City/Asylum is fight groups of bad guys, follow a trail in detective mode then fight more bad guys. Just like Zelda is do some tasks, enter dungeon, beat boss then go thru the next 8 temples. Its what games are. They recycle what the gameplay is because its what the gameplay is. Its the character motivations behind these actions that make you continue to play. I care for Ezios mission. I enjoy knowing who he is killing and why as much as who he is not killing. His reasoning and philosophy. Understanding what makes him the Mentor of the Assassins is what keeps me playing.

That's not even apples and oranges. That's like apples and monster trucks. Why would you compare AC to Halo or Zelda? That'd be like saying, "In this game, Master Chief will now run through the same ship twice, stab a member of the covenant, and move on!" Halo and Zelda play like they always have. How is it recycled? It's what the game is, but, at the same time, you're moving forward. The plot progresses with other enemies, twists, etc. AC's plot progresses, but then you end up doing the same things all over again. Kill the Pope, move on. Kill the Pope. Move on. And what do you do in between? Run, kill some guards, fly, etc. How is that even remotely like Halo and Zelda? Yeah, you're shooting and slashing enemies, but please give me one example in either game where you end up doing the same exact thing (that isn't conducive to what the game actually is). That's exactly what AC does. I'm glad you care for Ezio. Decent games. I do care for Halo and Zelda because I don't have to kill some fat Turk 50 times in a row while mixing it in with flying, solving inane missions, telling other assassin's to go kill some more turks, and river dancing. Saying that most games is recycled material is just a cop out for AC, because that's completely false. I've made my points as to why AC is what it is. You're more than welcome to show me how the other games you've mentioned are recycled (once again, don't make it conducive to the game itself- explain certain points).

But besides that I find that they craft the missions/levels to make the basic game controls interesting. Some notable examples are the boat level where you have to trail them through the underground river, the one where you chase the guy on the horse, or the timed levels where you have to climb around places quickly in order to get 100% synchronization. The first AC was HUGELY criticized for making players do the same thing over and over again. None of the Ezio games have been.

Oh, yeah. The time missions. It's not like there are hundreds of those in the games. What an original concept. Chase guy on horse. Man, I'm glad Ubisoft decided to change it up with that one. You really have to come and enjoy the special moments like that in the game, because it's not like there are hundreds of those missions either. Oh, yeah. Those tombs where in order to get 100% synch, you have to be quick enough (but even if you aren't, you can just try again). I'm glad Ubisoft decided to change it up there, too. I was getting tired of all that jumping and swinging around in the city. Now I get to do in a tomb where I'm timed (just like I am with other random missions and sub-missions). At least I get some badass gadgets and armor every now and then.

And as for other gameplay, there are plenty of other features that dice up the gameplay. All of the Da Vinci war machine machines. Bombs in revelations. The Den Assaults. The Brotherhood assignments. There is plenty of other stuff to do besides just the basic simple missions in the games.

Yep. And I get to do that hundreds of times in the game. Nothing like telling a bunch of assassins to go do my shit while I'm out trying to rob people of their money and kill some politician (or 50 of them). Hey, it's kinda like Pokemon! They can level up, get cooler shit, and become a badass like me....And then I tell them to jump off a ledge into a pile of hay that will safely catch them. Or, if I really want to spice things up, I tell them to help me out while fighting a group of assassins. Man, that never gets old.

As for story, there is plenty of connection between modern day and the period settings. If you really want answers you have to look into the expanded content unlocked thru the multiplayer. But in the game itself there is plenty. AC is a beautiful example of historical fiction in gaming that you rarely see with such accuracy. Everything from the Borgia's to the Knights Templar has been researched and orchestrated to try and make sense. When I first unlocked the video in AC2 with adam and eve my mind was blown. Its a highly original and controversial storyline as a whole while still making Altairs, Desmonds and Ezios on personal journeys compelling. It all really ties together in one big story with unbelievable themes of freedom vs control. Its deep stuff that can be analyzed on multiple levels.

Well, I'm glad someone likes it. Ubisoft has to milk it for all its worth, just like they did for Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, and every other series with 500 games. AC and AC 2, for the most part, are good games. But since then, it's been about rushing titles out the door for the sake of a quick buck. You've seen it with other games they've produced, and it's right here. Brotherhood and Revelations are just playing little brother, as you're confined to just a few aspects of what made the first two fun. Except they throw in a few new gizmos and gadgets that you can do hundreds of times. AC 3 will go back to what made the first two relevant. One would also hope that it's the last one. If not, then the Ubisoft Curse is officially on. I feel like Ubisoft is one of those companies that sits back with the cigars and just laughs when they hear what fans want. It's like with most other games you see how everything develops and improves. You don't get that with AC. Companies listen to what fans want and they improve on it. Ubisoft just laughs and continues to sit back and smoke their cigars. Honestly, I see AC as more wasted potential than I do of a shitty game (because it's really not). But a lot has gone ignored for the sake of just continuing to do what they've been doing the entire time.
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We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Mar 9, 2011
That's not even apples and oranges. That's like apples and monster trucks. Why would you compare AC to Halo or Zelda? That'd be like saying, "In this game, Master Chief will now run through the same ship twice, stab a member of the covenant, and move on!" Halo and Zelda play like they always have. How is it recycled? It's what the game is, but, at the same time, you're moving forward. The plot progresses with other enemies, twists, etc. AC's plot progresses, but then you end up doing the same things all over again. Kill the Pope, move on. Kill the Pope. Move on. And what do you do in between? Run, kill some guards, fly, etc. How is that even remotely like Halo and Zelda? Yeah, you're shooting and slashing enemies, but please give me one example in either game where you end up doing the same exact thing (that isn't conducive to what the game actually is). That's exactly what AC does.

You kind of just proved my point by saying that you do the same thing over and over again in Zelda and Halo but the plot progresses. Then you say the plot in AC progresses but you do the same thing. I find that you do the same thing much more in Zelda and Halo then you do in AC. Zelda is "go thru the level, find the item for that level (i.e. hookshot, mirror shield, etc) use it to get to the boss where you need to use said weapon to kill it. Halo is just running and shooting. Thats it. I find AC has a lot of more diversity in its missions and its story than both of those games combined. Seriously. I dont even know what games you've been playing. Oh by the never kill a pope in any Assassin's Creed game.

Yep. And I get to do that hundreds of times in the game. Nothing like telling a bunch of assassins to go do my shit while I'm out trying to rob people of their money and kill some politician (or 50 of them). Hey, it's kinda like Pokemon! They can level up, get cooler shit, and become a badass like me....And then I tell them to jump off a ledge into a pile of hay that will safely catch them. Or, if I really want to spice things up, I tell them to help me out while fighting a group of assassins. Man, that never gets old.

Now you're just being a hater. There is no logical argument here except "I dont like it." I enjoyed building up the Assassins because then you can use them to help you in tough spots and use them for the missions with the multiplayer characters. Allowed you to experience what being the Mentor is all about.

Well, I'm glad someone likes it. Ubisoft has to milk it for all its worth, just like they did for Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, and every other series with 500 games. AC and AC 2, for the most part, are good games. But since then, it's been about rushing titles out the door for the sake of a quick buck. You've seen it with other games they've produced, and it's right here. Brotherhood and Revelations are just playing little brother, as you're confined to just a few aspects of what made the first two fun. Except they throw in a few new gizmos and gadgets that you can do hundreds of times. AC 3 will go back to what made the first two relevant. One would also hope that it's the last one. If not, then the Ubisoft Curse is officially on. I feel like Ubisoft is one of those companies that sits back with the cigars and just laughs when they hear what fans want. It's like with most other games you see how everything develops and improves. You don't get that with AC. Companies listen to what fans want and they improve on it. Ubisoft just laughs and continues to sit back and smoke their cigars. Honestly, I see AC as more wasted potential than I do of a shitty game (because it's really not). But a lot has gone ignored for the sake of just continuing to do what they've been doing the entire time.

I feel the exact opposite. Seeing the improvement in AC from the first game to Revelations shows they care exactly what the fans want. Both in and out of the expanded universe. Only place I dont see that happening is with Project Legacy but thats a facebook game so cant blame them.

And Splinter Cell is a terrible example. The latest one was basically a re-boot of the series and the most realistic stealth game I've ever played.

If anything Halo is the ultimate example of just pounding out content to make money. Everything from Comics to Red vs Blue is being orchestrated to make money. That game hasn't had a compelling story since 2002.

Oh...and Breaking Bad is the best show in the history of everything.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Zelda and halo should not even be in the same sentence.

Zelda is God.

Halo had a great first game, the rest have just been meh.

Also GTA 5 gonna be great.


Mar 9, 2011
Zelda and halo should not even be in the same sentence.

Zelda is God.

Halo had a great first game, the rest have just been meh.

Also GTA 5 gonna be great.

Yeah I should apologize/clarify. The Zelda series is above and beyond Halo. I was just referring to the recycled plot format of the Zelda games. With the whole "we have to get the 7 ____ in the dungeons to stop the bad guy." Similar to how Darksiders was. But Dave is right in that each of the dungeons are very different from one another as are the bosses.

Couldn't agree more with the Halo comment.

As for GTA 5, I'm sure its going to be great like all the GTAs are. Its just after 4 games its kind of like "been there done that." I might get the game when they announce the next one just to get caught up, but I have no desire to play 5. I want to play Saints Row3 more for some reason.


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
I feel like The Walking Dead is picking up steam a lot quicker than Breaking Bad did. As good as The Walking Dead is, Breaking Bad is a MUCH better show. I compare the two because they're both on AMC.

Season one of The Walking Dead is on Netflix. It's only six episodes. The pilot episode is actually really good, but it kinda loses steam up until the last episode. Season 2 has been fantastic.

Solid show.


Nov 10, 2003
I've never watched The Walking Dead.

It seemed boring as FUCK last night when I was half watching it waiting on the ME3 trailer.



We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
See, that was the problem I had with the first season. The first two episodes got it done, but then it turned into a soap opera by developing all these characters and advancing the plot. By the time I was done being pissed about it, it was the final episode of season one and shit was finally going down again. Season 2 has done a much better job of character interactions, drama, and shit ruining.

That's definitely what keeps it from being a great show.