A free to play online Zelda-like MMO


Deku Sprout
Jan 5, 2014
Hello Zelda fans!

I'm hoping some of you would like to test out a game that my friend made.
It's called Scarlet Sword, and is basicly an MMORPG that plays like the classic Zelda games. Except this time you can travel through the forests and traverse the deep dungeons with your friends.

I'm wondering what you guys think about it? You can check it out at http://www.scarletsword.com

Oh and a couple of screenshots for you guys aswell:


As my friend is still adding to the game, we both be very interested in hearing and comments, suggestions and feedback that you may have!


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I tried it out for a few mins and it seems like it has potential. A few quick suggestions from what I saw:
- Draw an animated corner tile for the shore line. You may already have one, but I'm assuming you don't since every such corner is hidden behind another tile/object.
- Depending on the engine you use, you may want to tighten up the hitboxes for some tiles/objects or adjust the tile contents so the edges of the object is aligned with the edge of the tile, this will prevent "invisible walls" that players will run into since you are not using tile based movement.
- Moving from one map to another, especially into and out of houses or caves, is not overly smooth. If you are having trouble smoothing out the transition, maybe try fading to black, then move to the new map and draw its contents, then fade out of black.
- The tile used to transition into houses/caves seems to be the tile directly in front of the open door. This works but it also can cause the player to enter a door when they just wanted to walk by or in front of it. If possible, I'd suggest moving the transition tile to be on the same tile as the open door, and simply perform the transition when the player collides with the tile.

But even with these minor suggestions, its a great start!


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Agree mostly with what SAB said. I don't mind the instant transition from one map to another, however I did have a problem with getting immediately pummeled by an enemy on a map change. Also doesn't seem to be any after hit invincibility, so there was sometimes where I would get stuck between a wall and the enemy and get my health drained really fast.

There also doesn't seem to be any incentive to kill anything except to replenish hearts. I found a heart piece in the first dungeon which increased my life bar, so I'm assuming killing enemies does nothing as far as leveling up. Also it might be me, but the movement and combat seemed to lag a lot, but that could just be my crappy connection. That, compounded with the above, meant I spent most of my time running past as many enemies as possible.

Other than that, I think it's pretty good. I think it would be a lot of fun with friends so can't wait for the social menu to be up and running. :)