Search results

  1. Jay

    Batman: Arkham City

    I just beat Freeze and found Nora. How far away am I from beating the game? I'm taking my sweet time.
  2. Jay

    Batman: Arkham City

    Soy Batman.
  3. Jay

    Batman: Arkham City

    Dis gaem is gr8.
  4. Jay

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    RAGE - 8/10 Graphics - Fucking incredible. Easily the most impressive looking console game I've ever played Gameplay - Slow at first, but it picks up considerably in the second half. Has an old school Quake-like feel infused with modern gameplay elements. Weapons have multiple ammunition types...
  5. Jay


  6. Jay


  7. Jay

    Your Fall Lineup

    Dyboyl Revived, did you play the BF3 beta? It was great, in a "Why the hell are they releasing this unfinished turd" kind of way.
  8. Jay

    10/15/11: Podcast #8: Arkham City Launch Edition!
  9. Jay

    10/15/11: Podcast #8: Arkham City Launch Edition!

    1. Do you think the astronomical amounts of preorder DLC for this game is good or bad? Too many options from so many different places could leave some people angry that they can't get a certain preorder incentive at their local store. 2. Who's got the Titan formula? Bane, Croc, or Scarecrow? Any...
  10. Jay

    hello i am fat

    We're all pretty
  11. Jay

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    You know me! Guns, tits, and explosions over solid gameplay and artistic direction ANY DAY!
  12. Jay

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Hey bayle, can I haz your copi? kthx.
  13. Jay

    hello i am fat

    Another biggun? You're in good company.
  14. Jay

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

  15. Jay


    WALP, traded in 41 games, got almost $190 from games I never planned to play again. Got RAGE, paid Batman off, got a year long GI subscription, and bought all but $.50 of Skyrim. NICE.
  16. Jay


    I've got 27 360 games I'm probably gonna trade in. Maybe I can get Skyrim and Batman in one swoop and not pay a dime.
  17. Jay


    GAH CAN'T WAIT. Don't have the money for it, so I'm going to trade in a metric fuckton of old games so I can get this bad boy day one.
  18. Jay

    THQ seems impressed with the Wii U's media format. Kewl.
  19. Jay


    Jesus Christ this looks fantastic.
  20. Jay

    Happy Fall!
