Dragon Age 2: 8/10
+ Improved combat system
+ Friend/Rivalry System interesting
+ Classes are more well defined - i.e. playing as Rouge, Warrior, Mage all completely different
+ Much like Mass Effect 2, importing a save from DA:O lets you see how you've changed the world (In small ways for the...
Dragon Age 2
Battlefield 3
It's also probably worth noting that I got Metroid:Other M for Christmas and have played it exactly twice. Make of that what you will.
MGS3:HD 9.5/10
Dragon Age: Origins 9/10 // Awakening 8 /10 // Golems of Amagahoweverthefuckyouspellit 6/10 // Witch Hunt 6/ 10 // Leliana's Song 7/10 //Darkspawn Chronicles 6/10
BioWare is very hit and miss when it comes to DLC...
I chose Jay's option to vote Yes, but deep down think no.
But in all seriousness people need to chill the fuck out. The black woman in DXHR, The mouse you stab in BF3, and even Mario wearing a god damn Tanuki suit have people up in arms.
Random Jay Hate FTW
Yeah, you can definitely tell the game was designed for a portable system. Still, for what it is I enjoyed it.
It's also WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY easier than other MGS games (except the final few bosses, they were shitbitches)