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  1. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Devil May Cry 3 HD (And spots of DMC2 here and there) Saints Row The Third The Witcher (once in a blue moon) Metro 2033
  2. Jay

    Games You've Beaten So Far, 2012 Edition!

    MGS:PW HD MGS3 HD Dragon Age Origins + all DLC Dragon Age 2 + all DLC Battlefield 3 Alan Wake's American Nightmare Mass Effect 3 Max Payne Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Assassin's Creed Revelations Max Payne 3 Serious Sam 3:BFE Dead Space 2 Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me The...
  3. Jay

    Games You've Beaten So Far, 2012 Edition!

    MGS:PW HD MGS3 HD Dragon Age Origins + all DLC Dragon Age 2 + all DLC Battlefield 3 Alan Wake's American Nightmare Mass Effect 3 Max Payne Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Assassin's Creed Revelations Max Payne 3 Serious Sam 3:BFE Dead Space 2 Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who...
  4. Jay

    Favorite Zelda Game

    Post SS UPDATE! 1. Ocarina of Time 2. Skyward Sword 3. Wind Waker 4. A Link To The Past 5. Twilight Princess
  5. Jay


    Uh...Not really. Not that the game is TERRIBLE per se, but...The game's plot could literally have been a 3 minute introductory sequence. I'm sure Dragon Age 3 will summarize Dragon Age 2 in about a sentence and move on.
  6. Jay

    Next Super Smash Bros. being developed by Namco Bandai, Sakurai still directing

    Namco Bandai Teases Something with a Teaser Site
  7. Jay

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    Fighting Game Pros: 10/10 Jay and Logan: 1/10
  8. Jay


    I'll give you that. **********Spoiler tags don't wont so be WARNED************ Refusal was interesting, but pretty much useless. Destruction was so-so. Not many improvements over the original. It established Shepard was alive and it was hinted at that his/her team was going to go looking for...
  9. Jay


    Better than what we got in the shipped product, but still mediocre at best.
  10. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    You haven't seen anything yet.
  11. Jay


    BioWare has altered the Effective Military Strength rating needed to get the "perfect" ending in the extended cut. Originally at 4000, it has been lowered to 3100 Mass Effect 3 Extended Ending DLC Available for Download Very Early Tomorrow Morning
  12. Jay

  13. Jay

    Final Fantasy VII Could be Headed to Steam

    Why don't you guys like Steam? It's the best digital distribution platform available.
  14. Jay


    It can't possibly be worse than what we got. Guess I gotta play some MP to get my galactic readiness up.
  15. Jay

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    The Witcher, Metro 2033, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  16. Jay

  17. Jay


  18. Jay

    Leaked document spills Xbox 720 info.

    I'll give you that, but this is still a good indication of the direction Microsoft looks to be going in. Deeper Kinect integration, upgradeable hardware, a low price point etc.
  19. Jay

    Leaked document spills Xbox 720 info.

    Take this with a grain of salt, but it doesn't seem too far fetched. Xbox 720 Price, Features Revealed in Rumored Document - IGN