Zelda U would have been great, but they perhaps wanted to save it since they have 2 Zelda titles in the works to be released this year.
But yeah overall I am disappointed in Nintendo's showing since there really isn't anything to look forward to until the end of the year or 2014. Come on...
Oh yeah that too. Iwata really didn't talk about anything besides games (which is good) but some time spend on other things (like when is account system coming to 3ds, VC coming to Wii U) would have been nice.
Overall I rate this presentation 6.5/10. Nothing really new except X and Donkey Kong was shown - most everything was 2014 release date, no reggie. Wind Waker looks great, and Mega Man in smash bros is good, but nothing really on what's new in Smash Bros (but train level looks cool). Definitely...