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  1. Tarvis

    My Jimmies are a little rustled that it will be 70 degrees on Christmas

    Only two days a year should have snow, Christmas eve and Christmas. The rest of the time, snow and the cold weather can fuck right off. However, 55 degrees when I leave for work at 6:30 in the morning near the end of December is pretty weird.
  2. Tarvis

    FF7 Remake

    So it's finally coming, after many, many years of requests. Who else is as excited as me? I'm also incredibly nervous that Square Enix is going to mess it up. They have Nomura in charge of the remake, and he is also the one that has turned Cloud from the arrogant strong character to the mopey...
  3. Tarvis


    Are you paying the taxes back to the company? That seems weird to me.
  4. Tarvis

    The Game Awards

    Aren't these usually on Saturdays? I had no clue it was last night. =( I will leave this here though.
  5. Tarvis


  6. Tarvis

    Fallout 4

    Yeah, from the system requirements I was expecting some issues due to unoptimization, but the game so far has run nearly flawless for me. It did crash on me last night, but that's the first time it's done that. I haven't gotten very far in the game, just into Diamond City, but I've liked it more...
  7. Tarvis

    Fallout 4

    Maybe they'll optimize the game below those ridiculous requirements for these kind of graphics: Yoshi's Woolly World is good too though.
  8. Tarvis

    Fallout 4

    I generally don't get into Bethesda games too much, but thought maybe I'd give this Fallout 4 a try. Holy hell them system requirements though - and with those pretty bad graphics too. Oh well, bad graphics or not, game can still be great. Who else is hype? Or hate?
  9. Tarvis

    "Nintendo Account" New Membership Service Announced

    Nintendo’s new membership service will be called “Nintendo Account” — it will connect hardware users, as well as PC and smart device users, Mr. Kimishima says. Edit: There may have been some translation issues. It seems that Nintendo Account" is the new name for accounts, and the membership...
  10. Tarvis

    Halloween Radio

  11. Tarvis


    How far were you past due? Maybe you can sweet talk in waving the reinstatement fee. But yeah, I love my house and it's cool to be so close to work and stuff, but I miss how much easier life was with the parents lol.
  12. Tarvis

    Halloween Radio

    It's that time of year again when Ghinis, Stalfos, and Gibdos run wild. As is tradition, we have updated our Radio to play our favorite Halloween video game tunes. Our current playlist is below. Have an idea for a soundtrack that should be included? Leave us a post on the forums and we'll see...
  13. Tarvis

    Nintendo NX

    What does Nintendo need to do to make this a success? I think it's fair to say that while I love the Wii U, overall it has been a failure and all signs show to Nintendo quickly moving on to the NX. So what are you looking for in the next-gen console? More 3rd party support, more innovated type...
  14. Tarvis


    Damn them water bills are outrageous. I know all too well of being in a mountain of debt.
  15. Tarvis

    Super Mario Maker

    Looks like I will have to edit and reupload then. Is it the bombs getting you? lol
  16. Tarvis

    Super Mario Maker

    It's definitely a challenge! When I last looked last night it was at 0 clears out of like 25 tries lol.
  17. Tarvis

    Super Mario Maker

    <div class="miiverse-post" lang="en" data-miiverse-cite="" data-miiverse-embedded-version="1"><noscript>You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. <a...
  18. Tarvis

    Super Mario Maker

    My first stage: <div class="miiverse-post" lang="en" data-miiverse-cite="" data-miiverse-embedded-version="1"><noscript>You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. <a...
  19. Tarvis

    Super Mario Maker

    Oh wow didn't know there was a limit. Yeah, I'll put a star on them here in a little bit. But yeah I did follow you as Mario Maker's search thing is pretty much useless. I haven't made shit, I started on my first one last night, but haven't finished yet.
  20. Tarvis

    Super Mario Maker

    Thanks SAB, I actually came on this morning to ask what your level ID was. Have you unlocked all the stuff? Here is what you have to do if you haven't seen: 1.) Place every new object you have at least once, as well as clicking on any new themes. Wait for a few minutes between unlocks - but you...