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  1. Cantz

    Gamercard Generator Image Request Thread

    This with a particular focus on the lovely lady (positioned conveniently on the background off to the right where you would be able to see her in all of her glory). You see.. I have a particular fixation with the lady Kokonoe. She and I would make quite a dastardly duo if she were real. Some...
  2. Cantz

    The Venerable and the Vegetable

    As for the rest of you.. it is grand to be here. Such a wonderful place to be. Tasteful, refined.. Rhubarb flavored. Such an endearing community filled with pamphlets and signs of fortune and fame.
  3. Cantz

    The Venerable and the Vegetable

    Masterful response my good man. Absolutely inspiring. We must embark upon a quest to contain and place this in a tome for all to find solace in. Keep up the good work.
  4. Cantz

    The Venerable and the Vegetable

    It's an awkward position we find ourselves in at the hilt of a squash.. but a victory indeed. Feel yourselves fly to the crest. A less opportune execution of pale extremity and blight. Fall deep into a marksman. Your time is yet unseen my friends. Enjoy conclusions and seek the nibbles.