Search results

  1. R

    New school week

    Longer school days in exchange for less of them would be a welcome improvement.
  2. R


    Yeah, we all cherish those days.
  3. R

    Oh look, an update.

    Yay for games.
  4. R

    has arrived

    Just use your ineptness. Now.
  5. R

    ATTN 77boy84

    Actually, it's because he forgot his crazy pills and vitamins this morning.
  6. R

    new people name your favorite bands

    Which may explain the abuse.
  7. R


    Best. Lightsaber duelist. Ever.
  8. R

    new people name your favorite bands

    He didn't. He sits next to me in class and I watch him type.
  9. R


    It should be titled Metal Gear Solid 4: Rheumatism Strike.
  10. R

    The Ultimate Videogame.

    Yes. Yes it is. Especially pwning people in multiplayer.
  11. R

    Funny Webcomic

    Well, since you TOLD me you deliberately mispelled that, I'll let it slide this time for simple stupidity.
  12. R

    Funny Webcomic

    I thought I said to spell right.
  13. R

    Funny Webcomic

    *Pops in* SPELL RIGHT DAMMIT *Slaps j00* *Pops out*
  14. R


    Honestly. Lindsay Lohan porn. MY EYES CAN NEVER BE CLEAN!
  15. R

    new people name your favorite bands

    Mmmm... immunity. Plus, American football's biggest fans are overweight beer-chugging men from Wisconsin. Ew.
  16. R

    Is egon really a man?

    And still no one votes yes.
  17. R

    ATTN 77boy84

  18. R

    10,000 games you like to have..

    Instead of naming 10,000 games, I'm just going to say "all of them but ET, FF Mystic Quest, and the Zelda CD-i games."
  19. R


    You mean those new-fangled things with batteries that last half as long as PSP?