FF7 Remake


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003

So it's finally coming, after many, many years of requests. Who else is as excited as me?

I'm also incredibly nervous that Square Enix is going to mess it up. They have Nomura in charge of the remake, and he is also the one that has turned Cloud from the arrogant strong character to the mopey, weak character we've seen in various media since.

Also they announced that the remake is going to be done in multiple parts, which just sounds like trouble. If the parts are as long as the discs, I.E. first disc ends after Aerith's story is over, second disc ends as you get ready to go into the Northern Crater, then it could work. Although the third disc was just the final area, so that would be kind of weird. Also how long between parts? 6 months, 1 year, 2 years? Will each episode cost $60?

It's actually using Unreal Engine 4 instead of the Luminous Engine from Final Fantasy XIV and XV, I guess because they were having issues with the Luminous Engine - and it's easier to get programmers in that know how to use UE4.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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Yeah it is a pretty good game.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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Now this is a strange bank


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
How long are we going to have to wait for all the "episodes" of the remake to be completed and released? The exclusivity of the PS4 for 1 year sucks because the rest of the games are definitely going to be released way past the lifespan of the PS4. So how is save transferring going to work? Does it even have safe transferring or is every new part basically you start over from scratch? Is this all a ploy to buy every episode for $60 then after all of the episodes are released to buy it all again for one fluid experience?! Then buy it again on PC, ala Rockstar?!

Otherwise, game looks amazing and I want it now.



Nov 10, 2003
I really just want it all on the PC



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Game was great. Whats up with that ending tho



Nov 10, 2003
Dumb.as shit. I really think they did it to make u wonder if Aerith is gonna bite it or not.


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
I think there are some confusing moments in the ending, particularly the part with Cloud and Zack, but I think that was the planet telling Aerith what happened to him because she is literally standing where he died. She even makes references to preferring the plated sky, which goes back to Crisis Core.

That being said, the part where Zack survives the battle I think was more metaphorical than anything. Somehow Cloud still has the Buster Sword. So even if they were hinting at alternate time lines being a part of the plot, they are clearly living in the same timeline as before. It kind of seemed to me that the Watchman, or whatever they're called, seemed to be a part of Sephiroth somehow, especially since there was that part where one of the whispers turns into one of the numbered guys.

I think the Sephiroth fight was jumping the shark a bit, especially the whole end of creation thing. But they turn it back around in the next few scenes, back to the original story and it seems like it's going to progress more or less the same. To be honest, they could have ended the game at the end of the bike chase and I would've been happier.

But overall, it's really fun.


Nov 10, 2003
i said i want it on pc but haven't even thought about playin it