BEST ways to die


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Ok I'm gonna go ahead and post ol' faithful



Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Also I don't remember exactly how this goes so bare with me: Jump from the top of an office building filled with people with a rope around your feet. Superglue your hands to your face. Tie razor wire around your neck. When you jump and get stopped by the rope, the razor wire severs your head. You hang upside down, facing everybody in the building, holding your severed head below you.


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Also I don't remember exactly how this goes so bare with me: Jump from the top of an office building filled with people with a rope around your feet. Superglue your hands to your face. Tie razor wire around your neck. When you jump and get stopped by the rope, the razor wire severs your head. You hang upside down, facing everybody in the building, holding your severed head below you.

that'd be 100 % win if that worked out....eating a tub of beans until you explode is about as great as it gets though



Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
get AIDS, then blow yourself up in a crowd and spread the love


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
have aids, eat a tub full of beans in a crowd of people, and explode so beans and aids go everywhere. there, im meeting you half way.

The Infamous Ho

In Wikiapeda we trust
Sep 18, 2007
Eat a tub full of beans:

Manliness: 8 Style: 4 Awesomeness: 8 Mess: 5

What you need: a tub, enough beans to fill said tub.

How to do it: just dig in, you chunky son of a bitch! Keep eating until you can't possibly eat anymore, then eat some more. Your gut will rupture and you will shit yourself. The cool thing about this method is that it's not only disgusting to clean up, but you'll probably be so bloated from the beans (choose Van Camp's by the way, not Bush's baked beans unless you like the taste of beans pickled in ball sweat) that you probably won't fit in the casket without some serious reconstructive surgery. Guess who's footing the bill for that one? That's right: friends and family. Just kidding. You have no friends.

# Strangle yourself:

Manliness: 9 Style: 4 Awesomeness: 4 Mess: 0

What you need: hands.

Vincent Price was a real man How to do it: strangling yourself with your own hands has long been thought impossible because when your body stops getting enough oxygen, you pass out and start breathing normally again. Passing out while you try to kill yourself is like failing at failing. You're the one who has to deal with the embarrassment of having the paramedics finding your dumb ass passed out on the floor in a puddle of your own drool, as they begrudgingly take you to the hospital where the doctors would be so disappointed that one of them might try to strangle you themselves. And if they don't, give me a call; I will. Even the late Vincent Price strangled himself to death. Either that or lung cancer, but I can't be bothered to look it up. Eat shit.

# Hold your breath:

Manliness: 9 Style: 3 Awesomeness: 8 Mess: 0

What you need: balls.

How to do it: this is similar to strangling yourself, but the difficulty level is hard. Harder than a priest at a playground.

Step 1: Hold your breath.
Step 2: Wait 10 minutes, then go to step 3.
Step 3: If you are reading this, you have failed.

# Razor blade:

Manliness: 5 Style: 2 Awesomeness: 8 Mess: 7

What you need: razor, neck.

How to do it: how many times have you tried to kill yourself with a razor blade by slashing up your wrists, only to be told "it's down the highway, not across the street"? Then you listen to this advice and cut up your arms like some amateur dipshit who doesn't know what she's doing. Your boyfriend dumped you. You can't go on because you're the only person who has ever been dumped and this is the most painful thing that has happened to anyone who has lived 14 consecutive years, so it's time for the solace only decapitation can bring you. Make sure to go all the way through the spinal column.

# Cadbury surprise:

Manliness: 9 Style: 8 Awesomeness: 12 Mess: 8

What you need: ice cream scooper, cadbury eggs.

How to do it: spoon out your eyes with the ice cream scooper, and replace them with cadbury easter eggs. Then using any of the methods above, kill yourself. Your family may hate the suicide, but everyone loves cadbury cream eggs! Why disappoint your loved ones with plain old boring eyes, when you can surprise them with chocolate instead?! Try to do it around easter. The kids will have hours of fun trying to find the last two treats.

# Headbutt the sidewalk:

Manliness: 10 Style: 3 Awesomeness: 10 Mess: 4

What you need: a sidewalk.

How to do it:

Step 1: Slam your head into the sidewalk.
Step 2: Repeat.

Headbutting is probably the manliest thing ever. Not only is it useful for suicide, it's also a great way to break up with your girlfriend. For example, I couldn't find the words to tell my ex that our relationship was over, so one day while we were watching TV I headbutt her in the tits. Then I picked up my jacket and left. No awkward goodbyes, no "still friends" bullshit. Just a couple of bruised titties and a failed relationship. I rule.

# Lick a hooker's ass:

Manliness: 0 Style: 1 Awesomeness: 1 Mess: 10

What you need: a hooker, $0.75.

How to do it: find a hooker and inquire about her "ass buffet." If she doesn't know what you're talking about, punch her. If she does know what you're talking about, she shouldn't charge you more than 75 cents to lick her ass. You may even get away with not having to pay her since technically it's not sex (unless you're gay, but I'm not sure if it counts if it's a woman). Fair warning: not paying a hooker is considered shoplifting. Once you've done the (mis)deed, you may want to have some alcohol nearby. Make sure it's something strong like turpentine, because you'll be tasting a mouth full of funk and hookers don't always shit properly depending on their clientele. The tingling feeling in your mouth means the disease is working. Just sit back and relax while your penis falls off and you break out in hives. Then just wait a few months and if the other diseases don't get to you first, the AIDS will. Talk about a cheap suicide! At 75 cents, you can't afford not to kill yourself!


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
the only cool one on his list is eating a tub full of beans.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
As for me, well, let's put it this way: creatine is a supplement that helps muscles work longer, harder, and recover faster. I take it. It has no side effects or health risks, but there's no long-term studies on it. We don't know if it does anything harmful to your heart over a very long period of time, the heart being a muscle and all. However, I guess I'll be the one to know when 50 years of the stuff makes my heart explode.