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  1. Oobs

    Hi Everybody!

    hey man can i get that pic unshopped
  2. Oobs


  3. Oobs

    Gamercard Generator Image Request Thread

    its Zidane in Trance Form from FFIX maybe you can put a dark background with this or find a better pic
  4. Oobs


    there are 649 to be exact
  5. Oobs


    The past ones are in it but you have to beat the main game first Here are my current stats Pokemon Black Badges: 5 Pokedex: Seen 71.....Owned 15 Total time: 13:15 Team Victini Lv. 31 Zoroark Lv. 30 Dewott (Female) Lv. 33 Zebstrika (Male) Lv. 29 Sawk (Male) Lv. 32 Unfezant (Male) Lv. 32
  6. Oobs

    Mass Effect 3

  7. Oobs

    Question asked... and answered

  8. Oobs

    MY 21st!

    Post of the Year ^^^
  9. Oobs

    MY 21st!

    man when i turn 21, im going to try to clean out Vegas lol im going to have gambling problems when i get older
  10. Oobs

    Battlefield 3

    well i cant fucking wait for Battlefield 3
  11. Oobs

    MY 21st!

    Thats a nice gun for under 500
  12. Oobs


    highlight of my day
  13. Oobs


    you forgot me fuckers....i know im not an original but im part of the group:sadfrog:
  14. Oobs

    Marvel versus Capcom 3: The Fate of Two Worlds

    Shadow Mode clears up the title slots previously labeled "Beat someone with this title to get it" so there will be 30 SM people to be released so far the first 3 are kinda easy
  15. Oobs

    Marvel versus Capcom 3: The Fate of Two Worlds!5773075/eff-the-knicks-eff-these-t+shirts
  16. Oobs

    Gears of War 3

    i may end up getting it since it comes out like 6 days before my b-day so i can use that as an excuse
  17. Oobs

    Gears of War 3

    I may get it, not sure day 1 buy though
  18. Oobs


  19. Oobs

    New Mass Effect 2 DLC Comfirmed

    Makes sense