absolutely incredible game. ending was terribly executed though. still have yet to play multiplayer though so i'm sure i'll like it even more after that
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom
ME2: The Arrival
Gears3: Raam's Shadow
RDR: Undead Nightmare
Arkham City(New Game plus)
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper
Dark Cloud.
Fruit Ninja Kinect
Dance Central 2
GTA: Vice City Stories
Final Fantasy
ACR: The Lost...
i just beat mega man II for my gameboy. now im gonna move onto LoZ: link's awakening DX. kind of pumped. have the official strategy guide and everything
who the fuck editted my post mother fucker?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?
anyway, they dont have AC3 for gamecube silly.
gamecube games i played that would recommend:
SSB melee
luigi's mansion
eternal darkness
MGS: the twin snakes
i have metroid prime and super mario sunshine but never finished...