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  1. Casey

    Merry Christmas!

    I got a shit ton of house items like soap and detergent and paper towels and shit. So much that I will probably not need to buy any of that kind of shit for at least 4 months. Bossome. Got a stock pot for making giant bathes of chili and soup. Jason got me a Keurig and an amazing knife...
  2. Casey


    Why do I feel like Chris is being a smart ass?
  3. Casey


    Ha! Oh man I made a Mass Effect joke with my buddy Mike at work and he asked me who was the "boss" in my relationship and I was saying how I want it to be Jason but at this point in life I sort of am because him with school and other things and crap. Then I said so for now I'm "ASSUMING...
  4. Casey


  5. Casey


    Well now that you've ruined it for me, I don't even want to play the game anymore. Thanks, Logan.
  6. Casey

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    You douche-lord.
  7. Casey

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

  8. Casey

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    Oh my god... AT LEAST I OWN BAYONETTA!! It's on the list after AC:Brotherhood and Revelations.
  9. Casey

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    I feel bad for your future wife you PUSHY SON OF A BITCH!
  10. Casey

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    Lol, I will when you stop being a pain in my dick! PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO LIKE OTHER THINGS!
  11. Casey

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    Oh my god, go fuck yourself, Logan! I'll get to it when I fucking get to it!
  12. Casey

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    I still haven't played Bayonetta yet either. I have it, I just need to beat AC:Brotherhood and Revelations first.
  13. Casey

    Skyrim Impressions Thread

    So Jason thinks that he's Dragon Born now because I told him I woke up the other night to him sleep-speaking in some language I had never heard.
  14. Casey

    i need some final fantasy/psp advice

    Squall is a giant faggot.
  15. Casey

    News Gamer Handles Radio

    I was planning on using VLC, then I remembered that I hadn't put it back on my computer at work. Travis, WMP.
  16. Casey

    News Gamer Handles Radio

    I can't get it to work, says I need a codec but I don't have time to phunk around.
  17. Casey

    i need some final fantasy/psp advice

    Well aren't we fucking fancy.
  18. Casey

    News Gamer Handles Radio

    Fuck yes! If you need content, I have a bunch of music and music remixes at work on the "Super Pimp" external harddrive that the IT guy set up. Yep, I'm the only other one with access. I can't wait to tell Mike!!
  19. Casey

    Skyrim Impressions Thread

    It truly is just not an exotic night without Coke. Logan, I stumbled across the website that has all sorts of animal dildo's a while back, that's how I knew what it was. The wallaby one frightened me so much I had to research what an ACTUAL wallaby penis looks like. They were pretty...
  20. Casey

    Skyrim Impressions Thread

    I think the wallaby dick is the most frightening.