Well out of all of em, Tifa was the fastest to do. Ivy took 2 months to sew together and make the weapon and armor. Bloodrayne took 3 weeks. Ashe took almost a month, but she wasn't all the way finished. uhhhh my tat is pretty badddd as in, not good.
Yay! I can't wait to play some shooters on the Wii U and turn my whole body to shoot em! ROflmao! Also Travis, you can turn the tv to its normal settings and let whoever watch TV while you play on the tablet as well. It's pretty nice I have to say and I was so thankful to be informed of...
I actually got to play of this game the other day at work (while being offered to be a rep of Nintendo WOO!) All I can really say is it seemed to be exactly like the other one only difference is that I loved the 3D, yeah you heard me I LOVED IT! It was ballin, but the rest of the game was a bit eh.